Chapter 41

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           The cops were called. Officer Clark was the one investigating my case, so he was here. I had repeated the incident at least a hundred times. I was now visibly tired and just wanted to go home. Officer Clark realized this and shot me an apologetic look. "You've never seen those guys, right ? I mean did you see them meeting Ryan when you were still living in the same house ? Try to remember", he asked. I shook my head negatively, "No, I've never seen them before". He nodded, "We'll try our best to catch them", he said, giving me a small smile. I returned his smile, "Thank you". 

           "Lisa ? Lis ?! Where the fuck is she", I heard a panicked voice yell. I heard various voices mumbling before I saw Taylor's face peeking in through the door. He entered the room and gave me a tight hug. "Ouch ! Taylor my back !", I winced. "Shit ! I'm so sorry", he said. "It's alright", I replied, stretching a little to relieve the pain. "What exactly happened ?", Taylor asked. I sighed and narrated the story again. "The cops are looking for the guys now", I finished. He nodded, "Jacob and Charlotte are talking to the cops. We'll leave once they are done". I nodded. We sat in comfortable silence for a while. "Did you talk to dad ?", I asked. Taylor nodded, "Yeah, I did. We've planned everything. I'll be driving you to and from school. If I'm busy, Jacob will drive you home. Charlotte will always be with you, but if she isn't there, you can call Janise. I've talked to her parents", he said. "I'll be there if you need help", Jacob chimed in. Taylor nodded at him. "We can leave now", Charlotte said from beside him. Taylor helped me walk towards the parking lot.

           One of the officers had offered to drive my car home, which Taylor had gratefully accepted. As we were walking towards Taylor's car, Jacob leaned in to kiss my cheek, but was blocked by Taylor holding his hand in front of me. "Whoa ! Whoa ! Stop !", Taylor exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at him. Jacob gave him a forced smile, "Can we hug then ?". Taylor shook his head, a stubborn look on his face. Charlotte chuckled at his childish behaviour. "You can shake hands", Taylor suggested. Jacob raised an eyebrow, "Really Taylor ?". Taylor nodded, "I've already seen you kiss once. It was gross, and I don't want to refresh my memories". I scoffed, "You didn't see anything, because you were busy eating Charlotte's face". I saw a tinge of pink cover his cheeks. "Handshake or nothing", he said.

          Jacob awkwardly offered me his hand. I shook it, "See you tomorrow", I grumbled. He nodded, a frown on his face. We got into our car. As Taylor was pulling out of the parking lot, Jacob waved at me and blew me a kiss. I saw Taylor rolling his eyes. I smirked and decided to annoy him more. I rolled my window down and pretended to catch Jacob's kiss. I placed my hand on my chest. Jacob grinned at me. "Horny teenagers", I heard Taylor whisper.


          After a long and stressful day, it was finally time to sleep. I had to do my homework after coming home. I think that's the most tiring thing out of my day. My dad thinks it will be a good distraction for me, it isn't. All it does is give me one more thing to stress about. And looking at the dark circles under my eyes, I could afford to ignore homework. I sighed and prepared for a good night's sleep. Sleep is the only time I feel relaxed. The nightmares do sometimes ruin it, but it still is the only thing I could do without worrying about anything.

           I was closing the curtains to my window when I saw him. My heart sank to my stomach. It was too dark outside for me to make out his face or any other details. He was wearing all black and was just standing there, not even moving. What scared me was that he had craned his neck so that he could look right at my window. I didn't dare move, and we just stared at each other. I was trying to convince myself that I'm just being paranoid, and the figure was probably looking at the stars or something. That theory was proven wrong when I saw the figure slowly lift his hand and wave at my window. Terrified, I yelled for Charlotte. She came running out of the bathroom, "What ?". I pointed out of the window, too terrified to speak. Her face morphed into an expression of fear and confusion. She grabbed my arm and dragged me away. I looked over my shoulder, just to see him leave.

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