Chapter 18

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              It has been one week since I realized that I have a crush on Jacob. Believe me, it was hard not to blush when he flirted with me. And me keeping it a secret from everyone made me want to bang my head on a table. I fucking hated this stupid crush. Couldn't I fall for someone else. Like........ Scott. I glanced at Scott, who burped loudly after finishing the popcorn. I shot him a disgusted look. Okay, forget I ever said that.

           "Ahhh...", I broke out of my thoughts as Janise screamed. Why you ask ? We were watching a horror movie in Janise's house. Jacob had homework, and being the dork he was, he choose to complete the homework. Janise glanced at me again, as I was the only one that gave no reaction to the scares. I shrugged. What can I say, life was more horrible than those stupid jumpscares.

          "Okay, what's bothering you ?", Janise asked, pausing the movie. Scott and Charlotte gave me a questioning look. I was going to mutter a 'nothing' when Scott said, "It sure as hell ain't nothing". I sighed, "If I tell you this, it must stay between the three of us". They nodded. "IhaveacrushonJacob", I  said with such speed that I, myself didn't understand what the fuck I said. Janise rolled her eyes, "Yeah, good. Now can you try to talk in a different language, like something we would understand. Hey, how about English ?". I took a deep breath, "I have a crush on Jacob".
Phew, that was hard.

            Janise blinked, Charlotte smiled  and Scott, well he squealed. Yeah, squealed. "I knew it ! Took you a long time to admit it, didn't it, Angel ?", Scott said with a smirk. I smacked his head. "Crush as in you like him ? As in you like-like him ??", Janise asked. "Yeah, I realized it when he made me smile.", I said. The room fell silent for a whole minute.

             "HE MADE YOU WHAT ???", Scott screamed, again. I rolled my eyes, trying to cover my ears. " He made me smile Scott. You know when both side of your lips rise upwards", I said sarcastically. "Like hell I know what a smile is. But you smiling is like a dog meowing. Fucking impossible", Scott said. Janise smirked, "So Jakey boy has a lover". I groaned.

            "Just because I confessed, doesn't mean you can tease me", I said. Scott, Janise and Charlotte looked at each other, and then they smirked, together. It was creepy. Then they screamed, "Jacob and Lisa sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G". I buried my head in my hands.
Fucking idiots.


            We were back home after a run. What run you ask ?? Well it just happens to be that my dear Dad and brother are fitness freaks So they woke me up at 5 am on a Saturday morning, to go for a jog. Who even does that ??

             "You're so slow", Taylor mocked me, taking a sip from his water bottle. "And you're an asshole, you don't see me complaining, do you ?", I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Hey, no curse words in my presence", dad said. I gave a mock salute to him.

            Charlotte appeared out of the kitchen, and offered all of us a smile, "Hey Lisa, Jacob's here. He's waiting for you in your room". Taylor smirked, "Go Lisa, go cuddle with your boyfriend", he said. I glared at him. "No cuddling is going to happen. And don't close the doors, leave them open", I heard my dad's voice, followed by Taylor's laugh."DAD !", I whined.

            I walked up to my room and opened the door. "Hey, you can do whatever you want, I'll just go take a shower", I said, not even looking at him. I'm damn sure I'll blush if I do. I heard a faint 'okay' as I closed the bathroom door. After bathing and wearing my PJs, I got out of the bathroom.

            I saw Jacob eyeing my bookshelf. "Hey", I greeted him. He turned around. He wore a white V- neck t-shirt, and ripped jeans. He looked hot. And the worst part about it is that I'm admitting it. I noticed that Jacob said something. "Huh??", I muttered. "I said if you're done admiring me, can we start with the lesson ?", He repeated, smiling mischievously. "I wasn't admiring you" I said, adding air quotations around 'admiring you'. "Yeah, okay", he said sarcastically. "Get over yourself", I said as he chuckled. "You're cute when you get defensive", he said. "Stop flirting with me, just teach your shit and leave", even though I said it, I wanted him to flirt with me. I wanted him to make me blush.
Yeah, I know. I'm fucked.


Author's Note :

So what do you think ??
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Lots of love ❤️❤️

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