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This is the Turning Point


"Maybe you should just keep your trap closed."

That's it after all those comments about me being weak and about my figure not being pack warriorish or whatever.
Never in my life -well never since Ian, did I just to rip off someone's hair soooo badly.

"Listen here Violet! If you beat me in a brawl then I will apologize but if you don't then everyone will know that you are a weak PW. Maybe your Alpha just felt bad and made you it."

What the hell is it with unheard of wolves and solving every argument with a fight. Not that I was complaining or anything it is just that I haven't fully healed from yesterday yet.

"Emma you weren't here yesterday, she took down a PW ...he is still in hospital dude."

"Well lets see if she is up for it again...ready Blondie."

This girl is pissing me off , I know its very childish to let your emotions cloud your thoughts and go straight to throwing a punch. But she was questioning my title.

And no one questions my title.

"Bring it on bi-"


"What?" I stopped mid sentence and faced Jace...no no no no this can not be!

Jace stalked forward, took Emma in his hand and they kissed.

"Well that's one way to react when you find your mate." I mumbled.

"Oh babe, you are going to let me be pack warrior right...I can sense your power, you powerful alpha."


"No you can't because I am pack warrior and your going to be Luna." I said stepping forward.

"You both are from the same pack." She asked signaling to me and Jace.."

I nodded.

"Please baby , I want to be the PW."

Jace didn't even give a second hesitation." Yes you shall be the PW."

"Jace!" I said shocked, he just met her and don't tell me you can't tell your mate no! Just look at Ian and I.

"But nothing Violet. I Jace Ro of Silver Shadows Pack, strip you Violet Hope Mickelson of your Pack Warrior position and hand it over to, what's your name Sweeti?"

"Emma Green."

"And hand it over to Emma Green my lovely Luna and Mate."

In a matter of seconds I felt the burning of my tattoo leave my hand and all the power with the title left my body as well but the most heart wrenching thing was the little voice I heard at the end.

"I'm sorry."

No wolf should ever have to apologize to their human.


Is it normal to just feel dead. To feel as if you are empty as if nothing is left with in you.

I hesitantly opened my eyes. White walls, White ceilings and Blue curtains.

I hate hospitals.

"Ah good Miss Mickelson you are awake, took you three days."

"Three days!"

"Yup," the preppy nurse said as she fiddled with my drips." The two Alphas refused to leave your side, but doc managed to get them out..oh and that PW he said something about his wife having his balls if he leaves your side." She giggles.

"Do you mind passing me the water ."

She handed over the tumblr and I finished the whole contents of the tumblr.

"Can you describe what the Alphas looked liked. I already know who the PW is."

"Of course! The one Alpha was Alpha Stephan and the other way a reddish hair green eyed Alpha."

"Xander." I whispered.

"Do you want me to fetch them?"

I shook my head," no I am ok.. do you think I can leave anytime soon."

"Alpha said you must stay here until you are fully healed...doc said you are physically healed other than the claw marks but something is still not right ...you are paler than a ghost." The nurse walked over and handed me a mirror.

True to her words , I was pale , my blue eyes sunken in and dark, my hair seemed to have grown longer and has lost its shine.

What the hell is happening to me.

"We think that it could be your wolf, we see similar issues with rejected wolves. Tell me Miss Mickelson , can you feel your wolf?"

Can I feel my wolf, can I feel Hope, is she even here.
"Hope." I call out internally.

But nothing

"HOPE!!! " I yell again into my mind.
"Fate! Fate! Can you here me ! Cane you feel hope." I try to mindlink my twins wolf, but nothing.
I felt no connection to my wolf or to anything wolf related. I had no contact with Packs. My senses seemed to deteriorate.

"Miss Mickelson."

"What they hell is going on with my wolf." I shouted to the man in white who just entered my room.

"I am sorry to say miss, but she is gone.. for the time being or just temporary...I do not know."

"How can you tell!!! You can't just read my mind!!how do you know for sure ! How do you know for sure that she is ...gone." Doc walked over gave me some medicine," This should help calm you down." Then he walked over towards and lifted my hospital gown. Revealing my still scratched torso. "You are not healing and non of the Alphas can sense a wolf in you. I am truly sorry Miss."

I held back some tears, "can I be left alone for a little while"

"I don't think that is a good idea miss, let me send someone in." With that he walked out of my room and a couple of seconds later in walked Alpha Stephan, Alpha Xander and Dave.

"Violet, are you ok?" Dave asked coming towards me.

"I can't believe Jace did that it was such a dick move, you were so good at your position." Alpha Stephan exclaimed also stepping forward.

I put on a fake smile," of coarse I am and you know what the best part is! Is that now I am free , being a pack warrior was too much to handle but now I am rid of that burden....but you know what guys I am feeling a little tired, Doc got me fired up on drugs, do you think you could leave and let me rest for a while."


"Yea sure." Dave mumbled walking out of the room slowly being followed by Alpha Stephan who glanced at an unmoving Alpha Xander before walking out.

"Alpha." I stated wearily.

"Told you not to call me that." He exclaimed still standing far away." I was gonna kill him, slap that idiot for making one of the biggest mistakes in his life."

I smiled," it's life that's the problem, it just doesn't like to see me happy." I yawned." I guess my hope is running out and fate isn't on my side anymore." If I wasn't so tired I would have laughed at that horrible pun.
The anesthetic must be kicking in.

I felt my eyes dripping shut. But just before that I felt warm hand being placed on my cheek.

"Your life sucks because of the people, but give me time and I promise to give you the life you deserve."

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