Eight Days

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Violet POV

"Luna, she got hurt in the fight."

Dylan immediately put me down into one of the rollable hospital beds.

"She has lacerations to her abdomen, bruising to her shoulder bone and right side mandible. She is complaining of cramping and keep clutching her bottom abdomen. That's her blood on her hands."

Within me I finally felt hope, but not the feeling I wished. Hope howled , loud and cold.

I shot up from the bed looked straight into the the glass opposite me.
My eyes shone bright , showing hope was out.

Like a cough, unconsciously, I howled. A deep cold, gut wrenching howl. That took every ounce of energy I had. That left me finished but not before I fell into a deep slumber, when I heard howls back.


Third Person POV

Ian, and the rest of the men watched Dylan carry away Violet from the fight towards the pack house.
Pack members stared at her, the first proper glance they get at the women they now know is their Luna. If she takes Ian back.

Xander noticed the light haired wolf gazing back at the women he cared for. He growled.

"Get you Head back into the game."

Ian snapped his wolf and pushed past Xander heading for the rouges, he did not want to mix up with that now.

Everyone continued protecting the pack against the rouges when a deep cold almost dead howl rang out from the pack house towards the field.

Immediately Xander and Ian raised there snouts and howled to the sky.
They both knew it was but they both knew for very different reasons. Ian , no matter what Violet said, still had the wolf bond with her, they were mates always and forever. He could feel her wolf - barely but still.

He felt the pain she is going through now and he felt pain while she felt pleasure days ago.

Xander knew it was her from the bond they had made in this while. Their relationship was complicated but something was always there connecting him to her.

The fight finally ended , the wolves remained in form while border wolves did a run of the territory borders. Once it was deemed safe , everyone turned back.

Immediately a medical team was in the field dealing with people's wounds, the worst ones first.

Xander immediately changed into a pair of shorts heading towards his pack of wolves their to help to check for wounds or problems. There were one or two hits but no deaths.

Ian on the other hand felt many losses in his pack. Lots of the males and female lost their lives and he decided to have a combined ceremony for all tomorrow. Now the one thing on everyone's mind was to go check on Violet, Viola and Brie.

Xander and Ian bounded into the pack house heading straight for the room that their loved ones were in.

On entrance Brie bounced up on her bed and opened her arms for brother , welcoming him.

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