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Violet POV

Up side left right down

Up side left right down

Up right left side down

Up right left side down

"Alright guys bring it in!" James called us each from our station and we hurried to the middle of the floor.
" Kay guys it's been a good four years, and this week is the week to see if this four years of training was actually worth it! God forbids that you weren't ready and I would have to see all your pathetic faces again but if you are ready, you will officially be an agent for us here at the EA. Later on today you will be summoned to the board room where you will be given a life partner and then escorted to your new quarters....with in the course of this week and the week after there will be a challenge for you to interact with. And from that challenge we would decided who and which case they get. Understood?"

We nodded.

"Now get the hell out of here you all stink worse then horse faeces!"

You heard him right, it's been four years since I got here, intense is the word...but it been similar to my life at the Pack, instead of everyone turning into wolves... every morning we would get up by five, go for a run together the fifty of us, meet back , split up ...some will go for weapon training while others will go for tech and computer training.

But I am almost sad to say I have not picked up a bow and arrow in four years....humans don't really use them. They use guns and bullets , bombs and grenades. Items I would normally run from or be scared of.

Hope still hasn't returned and I gave up hope that she ever will. It's quite funny...I had a couple of firsts within these four first scar, my first flu, my first broken bone that took forever to heal!

Humans life wasn't so bad.
And I don't think I'll be going back anytime soon to my werewolf. This is my home now and I intend to stay here.

I'm not going to lie , I have spend a fair amount of time thinking about my wolfie friends.

I made my way back to the hotel where I currently still reside. Showered and changed back into better clothes. I packed up the few things I called mine, today I was going to move into the institute...I don't need this room anymore. Then I walked back to the institute. Bones sore and achey...a new feeling for me but it made me love it more and more because it made me feel alive and worth it!

We all filed into the huge room, heading straight for the information desks to pick out our cards.

"Afternoon fellow agents!."

Immediately all the gefuffel stopped and everyone turned their attention to the elder man on the platform.

"My name is Phillip and I am the head of department for new trainee ages 18-28. Today ,as your instructors should have told you, is the day where we team you up. At EA we believe in a pair system and we do our best to team you up with someone which has similar and opposite strengths , you are believed to work together to become one mass. You all have picked up your forms..on the right hand side is about you and on the left is about your partner please read up find them and go to you scheduled room. Challenges will begin tonight."

I glanced down at the paper in my hand.

Violet Mikealson
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Skills in: far range shooting
Fluent in: English

Partner: Cierra Gray

Cierra Gray
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Dark Brown
Skills in: close range fighting
                Computer technology
Fluent in : English

Room 302
Partner : Violet Mickelson

I looked at the name Cierra, I think I know who she is...but our skills say that we were totally different...we wouldn't have met up on the training grounds.

I looked around the room, it was mainly filled with people finding their partners....but no Cierra.
After a good few minutes I decided to just head to my room with my luggage.

I used the elevator and walked all the way to the north end of the building and to the number 302. Only one card was in the holder . I slid the card in and opened the door. Coming face to face with Cierra Gray.

"Oh so there you are." I gently maneuvered around her into our new room.

"Aah yea ...sarcastic one I see...sorry about that sister called it was important so I couldn't make the meeting."

I let out a breath, a sister called. I should call my sister. No I shouldn't she must be happy..

"Uhm Violet?"
I rapidly blinked my eyes to catch up with the movement of Cierras hand waving at my face.

"You spaced out a I have to worry about that on the field?" She asked a hint of tease in her voice.

I smirked," do I have to worry about you being late or not showing up."

"Never." She smirked back," I got your back."
With that she put her hand forward. I graciously accepted her hand with my own.

"And I got yours."


"No lie! So you have some one who looks exactly like and people should actually mix you both up."

Cierra and I just exchanged life stories while we got settled in to our new room. It was more of a apartment then a hotel room. Fit with a small kitchen and eat in area as well as a lounge with one jack and Jill bath connecting my room to hers.

Cierras life was hard. Well she saw it as adventure...I saw it as a tragedy. Both her parents passed when she was five and from then she had to move with her sister....when her sister turned eighteen she moved in with her was a bit to stuffy for Cierra so when she turned 19 she came her to the academy.
I of course had to change and adapt a little bit of my stories ...completely wiping out everything to do with wolves and pack life. So basically I fabricated my whole life. The only thing she knows is that I grew up in a small town with a twin that was controlled by these groups like teenage high school drama and crime being very high.

See completely made up.

" you know what this means right?"

I cocked my brown at her.."what."

"I am 23 you are still 22 , that means I'm the older boss around here."

I took the pillow of my bed and through it at her face.

"Tomorrow is going to be thee day when we decided whose boss, we will be sparing together and then we will see whose stronger."

I stood up and walked to the large wall of windows, " do not under estimate me Cierra, I can protect myself. And you can count on me protecting you."

"Thanks babe, but I can protect myself but together we can kick ass."

Cierra then bed farewell and walked to her room.
I was still gazing out of my window,When I caught the eye of someone.

I blinked again to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

But when I looked up he was gone.

Could it be?
How did he find me?

I closed the curtain with a shaky hand. Just when I thought my past couldn't interfere with me no more.

He shows up.

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