I don't need love

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Violet POV

Not edited

"What do you mean she just fainted! You talk a whole lot of smack about being her mate, yet when she is falling down right in front of your damn eyes you just let her!."

"I ran to her Jace , I caught her body before it hit the ground-"

"Yea but that didn't stop her head from smashing onto it."

"Stop disrespecting me Alpha Jace, I won't hesitate to put an end to you."He seethed, jaw clenched.

I heard a growl to my left....not wanting to miss out on any action I quickly peaked open my eyes...just a smidge to look at the scene.

Slowly I peeked through my dark lashes...Jace and Ian were staring glaring daggers at each other from either side of the hospital bed.

Hospital bed

Never in my life did I ever had to be in the hospital and in my first day of not having a wolf I was knocked out twice... oh hellz.

I shut my eyes again hoping that no one saw my little peak.

But failed miserably... just as I was about to shut my eyes...through my lashes I saw the piercing green eyes meet mine. I only knew two people with those colour eyes...but this pair belong to a male body. Xander.

"Can everyone please leave the room I have to examine the patient again."
I hardly recognized the voice... it was the doctor . The doctors that I hadn't ever needed from the time I was the born. the last time I think I was in this room was when I needed dressings after spars.

Of course Jace started to argue about not leaving me alone. But the doc conquered the argument by saying something along the lines of it's a matter of Violets health.

After a silent moment the doctor spoke again. "I'm not sure why you are making me do this Alpha Xander but I really should examine the patient , she should have woken up by now."

"And I will let you ...just give me a moment." His voice was calm and husky. It sounded like he woke up from the best night sleep. It had that perfect mix of calmness and dominance oh so similar to Ian.

I don't know why my mind takes me back to him always. We had no bond ..I felt nothing at his touch yet still my mind yearns to be with him, next to him close enough for him to call me his.

"Violet I know you awake."

I kept my eyes close for a second . Yet knew it was in vain, Xander saw me awake and he wouldn't be fooled so easily.

Slowly I opened my eyes and stared at him from the bed.

" I need your help." My voice held no trace of fear, but inside I was shaking...if he had to decline, it might not be so easy to do it by myself.


"Let me get this straight , you want me to help you disappear. From everyone yet at the same time make sure everyone knows you safe. Am I right."

He slowly walked from the window to the side of my bed as I nodded in response.

"And May I ask why you are asking me to help you with this."

"You the most furthest closest person I know."I replied

"Most furthest closet hey."

Xander broke out into a huge smile. He chuckled a bit to himself before moving my legs and making space for him on the hospital bed.

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