Chapter 1

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My name is Mariah Marie. I have no last name, well I do, but I don't use it. it's not mine anymore. I am currently 17, but for only two more moths. I don't go to school, but there's a reason. I ran away, there was nothing for me there, deadbeat parents, stupid teenagers, no friends. Everything was fucked up. No one even reported me missing. I have no phone and most of the time no money. The only friends I have now are on the streets. Prostitutes and some drug dealers. thats it. Not good influences, but when you're only, you take what you can get. No, I don't work for either of them. I don't do that kind of "work".

It wasn't always like that though. My parents were the best. I had friends. I had everything a 13 year old could want. That was until my dad was caught cheating on my mom. They stayed together and as far as i know still are, but the damage was already done. My Dad's whole reputation was ruined. He was an important person in the city. everyone knew him and thats what turned out to be the downfall. He started drinking heavely. Coming home drunk almost every night. Him and Mom would fight as soon as he walked into the door.

I got used to it quickly, However it didn't take long for word to get around the school that my dad was a drunken mess. My friends found out and abandoned me. I was alone. I would go to school, get bullied, sometimes violently. Then I woukld fo home and deal with yelling. Then it got worse then that.

The yelling turned to slapping. The slapping turned into punching and kicking. Everything was different. At first it was just violence towards my mom. It went on like that for a couple months, me just watching my mom get beat. A month later, it turned to me. I never knew someone could have that much rage towards someone they temselves had created. It lasted for years, 3 to be exact. when I hit 16, i decided it was enough, so I ran away. Now this is my life, living under a bridge, so i dont get rained on, getting food out of garbage cans. I'm a typical homeless person, but I don't go around asking people for money, I'm not like that. I believe that eventually something will get better. I just hope its soon rather than later.

It's 8:00 pm now, my favorite time. Restaurants are closing and cleaning out the extras. I went to my favorite restaurant, Olive Garden. The employee was just throwing out the breadsticks. YUM!!! My favorite. I dashed for the dumster before they came back out. I grabbed the sticks just as the employee got out. I ran the other way while hearing the girl yell profanitites, threats and insults.

I got under the bridge I slept in. Cars were traveling above me and honking horns. This was my safe haven. This was my home. Under a traffic bridge. It provided protection fro the rain, and its somewhere no one would ever look for someone.

I know what your thinking why don't she get a normal job? Well I've tried but I either stink or they won't hire me because I don't have an adress or they think I'm a creep with my torn clothes and worn out shoes.

I wiped the breadsticks off with my hands to get all the dirt off and started eating the slightly stale heaven.

I finished eating the bread just as sam came fom the hill leading down to the bridge. Sam and I shared this area of land. He was as close to as friend that I had. He was nice as long as he didn't have alcohol in his system. Sam was the more daring homeless person who would rob stores for things to sell. I wasn't that fond of him but it gave me someone to talk to.

"Hey Mariah."

"Hey Sam"

"What'd you do today?"

"The usual, and I got Olive Garden bread!"

He laughed. "Thats good, I made over 250 dollars"

"What'd you steal this time?"

"Some guy's wallet that had 200 dollars in it, and his watch that I sold for 50."

"SAM! You can't just steal someone's wallet!"

"Why are you always such a goody two shoes!?"

"I'm not, I just believe in respecting other people's things"

"Fine, you know what here! Find the guy and give his wallet back, but I'm taking the money"

I didn't know what I was thinking but before he could take the money out, i ran by him and grabbed it and ran towards the sidewalk. a few dollars now and then wasn't bad, but 250 dollars and someone's wallet with personal information and pictures was not ok.

I heard footsteps behind me and figured it was Sam chasing me. I ran faster and kept running until I ran into something really hard.

"Shit, sorry" I heard a really deep voice said. I looked up and saw a guy over 6 feet tall. He had shrt black hair and bright blue eyes. He had a nose piercing and a lip piercing. He was dressed in all black. If I wasn't into to shorter guys, I would totally be drooling all over him.

"I'm Andy" He said helping me up.

"Thanks, I'm Mariah"

"Why were you running so fast, was that guy chasing you?"

"Yeah, it's a long story."

"I've got time."

He took me into a cafe and bought me a coffee.

"Thank you, you didn't have to though " I said, getting a little choked up, no one has ever been this nice to me. I took a drink of the hot liquid and slightly moaned at the taste.

"So is it good?" he laughed

I nodded, "I haven't had coffee in years"

"What/ How? Do you live under a rock or something?" he joked.

"More like a bridge" I mumbled quietly.


"Oh nothing"

"Tell me"

I told him everything from Sam to why I was homeless, i told him everything. I don't know why but I somehow trusted this guy already. He told me he was in a band called Black Veil Brides. I told him, I had never heard of them. He gasped and dragged me out to his car and put me in the front seat and got in the other side. He took off and turned on the radio where i heard, some guitar, and then whaat I'm assuming his voice come through the speakers.

I never meant to be the one

Who kept you from the dark

But now I know my wounds are sewn

Because of who you are

I will take this burden on

And become the holy one

But remember I am human

And I'm bound to sing this song

So hear my voice remind you not to bleed

I'm here,

Saviour will be there

I listened to his voice and slowly drifted to sleep. It was the best sleep I've had since I ran away.



NEW STORY! Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I was taking a break to enjoy my summer. I had some writer's block to, but I'm back so heres my Jinxx story.




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