Chapter 2

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He stares at me with a blank face wondering what I was talking about then it clicks. " I think I have a spare shirt I'm my locker... I guess you could use it..."

My mind wanders somewhere else and I nod my head like a dummy not knowing what I'm agreeing to.

He throws his now empty cup in the trash, takes my hand and leads me to where his locker is.

Me being the type of person who doesn't really pay attention to where I am, I'm completely lost on to where we are.

I want to ask him where we are but I want to quickly put on the spare shirt so no one sees the stain that the smoothie left.

He opens his locker scanning through the surprisingly clean locker to find the spare.

From behind him I can't see much but some textbooks and pencils, with no shirt to be found at least in my view...

Then turns around with the shirt in his hand.

"Here you go." He says with a small smile ushering me to the nearest restroom to change.

" Um thanks." I say before heading in.

I walk in, the door closing behind me and process what just happened in the last ten minutes.

Oh my gosh did that really just happen, " um thanks" who says that to a guy who let you borrow his shirt from him practically throwing himself at me!?
He probably did that on purpose! That's why he's acting so nice! Sigh
I'm just gonna change, grab my stuff then head to class.

I quickly change then look at my phone the bright light flashed on telling me it's 7:37- wait already!?

Oh snap I need to go !

I turn off my phone, grab my stained shirt and hurry out of the bathroom.

I see the guy leaning on his locker waiting for me, when he looks up his blue eyes look at the shirt he gave me.

"Sweet it's not too big for you." He says.

Yes, that's what we were worried about.

" Yeah it isn't , and thanks for lending me your spare shirt that's really nice."

Who says that?!

" No problem, and again I'm sorry for spilling my smoothie on you."

He says looking down then he eyes shoot open.

"Oh I completely forgot to ask you, what's your name?"

His eyes scanning mine like my eyes have the answer to his question.

" Oh my name's A-" we are interupted by the bell going off telling us we should go to class.

Talk about bad timing...

I'm not given time to tell him my name and I'm taken by a herd of students crowding the halls.

I can still see him from afar searching for me so I can tell him my name.

Well sucks for you cause we have got class to go to so hurry up! Plus I'm not really bothered that I don't know his name, but doesn't matter cause I doubt he'll remember me.

As I'm walking to class the halls still have tons of people walking or just standing around but not as much as before.

I turn the corner to go into my class then I'm stopped by the wanna-be-popular girls.

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