Chapter 10

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Ladybug comes towards me with her hand out with a fist ready for me to "pound it" as they said.

" Nice to see a new face of a hero. So what's your name ?" She looks at me with a small smile and the cat just looks at me with a small smirk.

Oh shoot!

Howwl we haven't gone over this part?!

Cat boy caught on to my freak out and stops me.

" Hey its alright, just think of one later if you don't have a name for yourself Wolfy."

I start thinking of names for me and it clicks in my mind.

"I'm Amaruq." I flash them a small shy smile and pound ladybugs fist like they were doing a minute ago.

"Well Amaruq, I'm Cat noir and that lovely lady over there is Ladybug." He points to her in a friendly manner.

"Hey cat sorry for yelling at you earlier, we had to help Ladybug." I quickly apologize to the cat boy.

"It's alright I understand ,Wolf." He smiles then is interupted by beeping of his ring.

" Well gotta go, see ya Amaruq bye my ladybug." We waves us goodbye and we all depart.

Running back to my house I think of the battle and ask myself why my miraculous didn't beep ....

Didn't I use my special power?

I hop back into my house through the window again and detransform.

Howwl appears in front of me from my ring and greets me.

"Soo how did it go? Had fun fighting evil?!" She punches and kicks the air as if actually fighting someone.

"Yeah it was pretty fun being a superhero but I have one question ?"

"Go for it !"

" Okay how come my miraculous didn't go off like Cat noirs and ladybug ?" I look down at my ring which changed from dark grey to a very light grey ( almost white).

" Oh you didn't use your special power."

"What is my special power? Do I have a super bark or something?"

She looks at me unimpressed.

"No you don't have a super bark, your not a dog your a wolf. I know you humans think that wolves "evolved" to dogs but that's not true."

" Oh sorry about that howwl I was just asking."

" You were just curious, I'm sorry for getting that way but no super bark. It's a super howl though."

I look at her the way she looked at me... unimpressed... I tried. I kept smiling cause she was way too cute to be mad at.

"So yeah one of your special powers is a howl which distracts the opponent in which you are against. "

"Wait a minute howwl, it's a howl and your name is howwl...?"

" Yup that's the name I was given, gotta keep it."

I yawn in response and get changed in the restroom into my pj's.

" Night Howwl."

" Good night Amber."

As we both drift off asleep, hawkmoth starts the other part of his plan to take the miraculous'.

"Nooro they think they can keep the miraculous for long but we've only completed part of my plan.. mwuahahahaha."

***TIME SKIP*** (To the next day)

Okay today wont go as horrible as the first day of highschool... hopefully.

At my old school before i came to Paris i was picked on daily.

It was basically a routine for my former best friend Jeannine and her group of followers which included two people.

Lets just say the custodians didn't like her very much that day but she got away with it because her dad was the principal... unfortunately.

I look around for my phone in my room which i swear i felt it in my bed faced down.

I sigh and start looking for it .

I checked under my bed, under the pillows, i walk into the bathroom even though i haven't even gone in there yet... and STILL can't find it !

I check my clock on my bed side table and read that it says 7:04 am .. oh man i'm gonna be late for sure.

I grab my purple hoodie, backpack, and a snack which is counting as my breakfast for today.

Just before i head out the door i make a mental check list of the things that i'm gonna need for school then realize i might want to bring Howwl incase someone decides to go into my room and snoop around through my things.

My parents are at work and my brother is already at school so it should be fine to call Howwl downstairs.

"Howwl come one i have to go to school unless you don't want any of the sweets that i get from school~" i smile as i see her fly quickly down the stairs to me.

"Okay now time to go get those yummy treats now~"

"Okay let's go" i put on my hoodie and sling my backpack on me then Howwl flies into the pocket of my hoodie to not be seen.

Should i take my phone?

Nah there's no use, ya cant even find it.

Yeah its not like i'll need it today, right?

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