Chapter 1: A Changed Life

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*I'm sorry that I didn't write correctly for chapters 1 - 3.
Hope you like the book :)*

-Los Angles, California-
-Ordinary house-
-5:30 pm-
(Cell phone rings)
(Picks up and takes call)
Jake Andrews: "Hello this is Jake!"
Tina Beth: "Hey Jake! Come to the party at my house, everyone wants you to come!"
Jake Andrews: "Oh ok. Well Ill be over in 10 minutes. Ill just take the car."
Tina's house is only 10 minutes away.
Tina Beth: "Ok! Be careful, Its getting dark out there."
Jake Andrews: "Yeah I know. I just have to keep my eyes peeled on the road at all times."
Tina Beth: "Yup. Well see you in a bit!"
Jake Andrews: "Yeah see yuh!"
(Hangs up cell phone)
Jake Andrews: "Ok well I got to get going. I just have to get my jacket."
(Puts jacket on)
(Walks downstairs)
John Andrews: "Where are you going kid?"
Thats my dad.
Jake Andrews: "Oh just going to a party with Tina and my other friends."
John Andrews: "Oh ok with your girlfriend huh? Well have fun and be careful on the streets."
Jake Andrews: "She isn't my girlfriend. Shes just a friend. And yes, Ill be careful."
Amanda Andrews: "Yes be careful sweetie!"
Thats my mom.
Jake Andrews: "Ok mom."
(Jake walks out the door)
Wow its really dark out here.
(Gets to car and opens door)
(Starts car)
(Starts driving)
-5 minutes later-
Jake Andrews: "Ok well, Im half way there. I wonder who's all there. Im pretty sure my brother is there...... Ugh... I just got a weird headache. What the hell! In the middle of no where!"
(Jake touches his head with his hand)
Than I felt a huge pressure in my head. I started feeling like brain was getting weaker. Than my head landed on the wheel. Than I felt a great warp feeling.... It felt like Im leaving my body.....
I woke up.... I can barely see..... I looked over to my right side, it was sorta difficult to turn my head.... I got it to turn and I could see my.... Mother in a bed sleeping. Than I saw my father stood up from the couch. Around me it kinda looked like... A hospital!
I than tried to look at myself, cause I felt totally different. It was hard for me to sit up... And my head to. I saw my legs and.... There fucking tiny! I tried looking at more of myself and... I.. Im a fucking baby!!! How the fuck did this happen!!!!
My dad saw that I was getting up desperately. So he walked towards me. And than he picked me up and he smiled at me, and than brung me over to my mom. I also saw someone else by mom. The person looks like my uncle recording.
Young John Andrews: "Wow we've made a cute one."
Young Amanda Andrews: "Yes we did."
I remember this! They had this part on the video tape they've recorded. I didn't understand what was happening so I tried speaking... In the video tape, that I've seen before, I didn't speak in it. But I feel like I can speak. So I tried....
Baby Jake Andrews: "What.... The.... Fuck.... Is.... Going.... On.... Mom.... And.... Dad?"
My parents both just startle in shock. My mom faints. I sounded way different than I did when I was 18... It sounded like a baby's 1st words.
I soon than felt a weakness pull from myself. I started getting weaker, than... I felt the same thing that happened. A pull force from my body.
Than I woke up... Than I saw that the car was upside down in the ditch. Oh my god! Shit I must have really wiped out this thing. And I felt something was hurting in my side. I looked at it and it was a steel sharp piece.
I heard some footsteps running towards me. There was allot of cars just parked on the road. People started running towards me.
Male Stranger: "Hurry call an ambulance!!"
Than a lady came over and looked at me.
Female Stranger: "Oh my god! Are you ok?!"
Jake Andrews: "Ugh... My side hurts... Really bad.... And my leg... It might be broken..."
Than I passed out..... Soon when I woke up.. I can see that I'm being rushingly wheeled in with a hospital bed and I was wearing an oxygen mask.... I knew I was in a hospital. But I didn't know what happened. I knew I was in an accident but I didn't know why I passed out and was a baby, or I could've been day dreaming. So than I passed out again in the bed....
I woke up again... I looked at the time. It was 10:00 pm. Shit I must have been out for awhile. I looked down and the steel piece was not in my side. And my leg was in a type of cast. I looked around, and it looked like a hospital room obviously. I than try very hard to figure out what happened in the car. Why did I turn out to be a baby.
(Room door opens)
Nurse: "You've got visitors Jake."
Jake Andrews: "Ok. Thank you."
Shit. I wonder if its my family, or my friends.
Than I saw my family walk in. Than my friends.
Jake Andrews: "Uh... Hey guys!"
My mom was crying. Tina was crying. My dad and brother were sad. My other friends were sad also. Than they kinda gathered around me. Tina was on my left side. My mom and dad were on the right side. All my other friends were around the bed.
(Tina kisses Jakes cheek)
I just looked at her smiling. But they all had sad faces and looked worried.
Tina Beth: "Are you ok?"
Amanda Andrews: "You were in a car accident."
Jake Andrews: "Yeah I'm ok, I feel ok. Yeah I know I was in a car accident, but I don't know how it happened."
Sam Andrews: "You must have fell asleep at the wheel."
Thats my brother Sam.
John Andrews: "We told you to be careful out there."
Jake Andrews: "Something felt like it was putting me to sleep! Im sorry."
So than after 1:00 pm, we talked for hours. But I didn't tell them about what I saw while I was out, I kinda just wanted to tell dad after everyone left. They told me the whole story for their search for me, that my friends didn't notice me coming so they called my parents and my parents said he was going to Tina's place.
But my friends said no he's not here. So than they drove around in the street. When they finally saw my car in the ditch. So than the ambulance came around. And my family saw me going away into the ambulance.
So everyone started to leave for the night, after everything was mostly explained and the emotion was out.
Tina Beth: "*sniffs* When I heard you got in accident, it almost killed me."
JakeAndrews: "Im sorry Tina."
Tina Beth: "Well goodnight. Ill come by tomorrow hopefully. Don't die on me!*sniffs*"
Jake Andrews: "Ok I wont! Goodnight!"
Tina Beth: "Goodnight."
(Closes room door)
So my dad was than the only one in the room with me. My mom went home with my brother. So my dad decided to stay.
So... I thought of something... Before I was a turned into a baby, that video tape I watched, didn't have me talking. But I talked when I was a baby just a little while ago. Hmm...
Dad was just on a chair starting to drift away into sleep.
Jake Andrews: "Hey dad!"
(John startles)
(John gets up)
John Andrews: "What son?"
Jake Andrews: "Hmm... Remember when I was a baby, the day I was born. Did... I say something?"
John Andrews: "Yes! You did! You saw it in the video didn't you?!"
Jake Andrews: "I didn't see this one."
John Andrews: "Yes you did. You just don't remember. We were so fucking shocked on what you said "What the fuck is going on mom and dad?". We were so amazed those were your 1st words. We just couldn't believe it. We even asked if that was normal."
Wow! I never watched that. That means that my consciousness returned to this present when I changed it. Im pretty sure I've done everything the same thing... I think.. I wouldn't know what I changed if I did change something... I just discovered... That I have changed the past! But how?"
(John hugs Jake)
John Andrews: "Well goodnight son! Well talk more tomorrow, its getting late*yawns*Were so glad your alive!"
Jake Andrews: "Yeah... Im happy to.... Ok goodnight dad, see yuh!"
(Walks out and closes room door)
Jake Andrews: "Man! This ain't human!"
I hope you liked the chapter :)
Chapter 2 coming soon
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