Chapter 13: The Only Way

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"What?!", asked Charles moving towards Jake. "Its.....the only way....that I can think of to change the future. Maybe my existence is basically just a weapon", replied Jake looking off into the distance.

"Jake that's nonsense!", yelled Charles slamming his fist on his arm stand on his chair. "Yeah that might be a good thing to do, since that most of the x-men is dead like Logan, Storm, Jean, Piotr, Scott because of you. But all we have is Bobby and Kitty", said Luke walking around.

"We know, allot of students have died today as well", said Charles. "Maybe it is a good idea I go back into the past and end it all. Except I will be sending this body into the past instead of this consciousness, which I never done before and it can be very dangerous. If you change something in the past, your body could disappear because you never came to the past to change something", replied Jake sitting on a bench.

"Well Jake, do what you have to do. Thats all I'd like to say is thank you for coming to this school and helping others, some didn't make it when you changed some, but you helped out some youngsters past. Melissa told me she thanks you for doing that for her, but she knew you wouldn't remember changing her past", said Charles.

"I don't remember her, but I'm glad I made her happy. I had a girlfriend named Emma. She knows that I'm here but doesn't know what is happening right now. I haven't talked to her in awhile, I wonder how she is", replied Jake resting his head on his hand. "You made allot of them happy. Want me to call her?", asked Charles hearing something outside.

"He's coming", said Luke feeling worried. "Whats the use? She wont remember me, I wont ever exist", replied Jake getting up.

"Ounce I kill my past self, I will never exist so that means you'll never have met me. All this killing will never exist", said Jake.

"Professor! Kitty and the others are dead! We got to go now!", yelled Bobby crashing through the door. "Where to Bobby? We have a force field around us. Jake is going to do us a favor, that could save our lives", replied Charles moving by Jake and putting his hand on Jakes shoulder.

"What?", asked Bobby in question. "Jake will sacrifice his life to save us from this purge", replied Charles looking at Bobby. "I broke my arm from him also", said Jake grabbing his arm. "Can you make it?", asked Charles with a smile. "Yes professor, thank you", replied Jake groaning from pain. "Good luck", said Charles letting go of Jakes shoulder.

I than get up slowly. "Thank you all for making me welcome here", said Jake smiling and a little giggle. "Anytime Jake", replied Bobby with a wink.

Bobby started hearing a noise outside getting closer. "He's getting closer", said Bobby frightened. "He can teleport inside this mansion anytime he wants", replied Jake turning his head looking around.

Out of the middle of no where Bobby started yelling getting stabbed behind himself. Other students scatter and tried to hide. Charles just looked at him with a smile. "Charles, or should I say professor. I thought I killed you", said the future Jake.

"How come I can't read your mind?", asked Charles. Future Jake killed a running student on the side trying to escape with his laser beam coming out of his eyes. "There's many mutations that I have been injected with from the mindant. Now it's time to change the future from your x-men controlling it!", yelled the future Jake striking Charles head with a energy sword forming out of his arm.

"Goodbye professor... Its time to end you before we even exist!", Jake said loudly. My future self started walking towards me, so I put my hands on my head and tried to send myself back to the day....I was born. "Arrrggghhhh!!!!!!!", yelled Jake disappearing.

The future Jake saw his past self suddenly disappear. He thought for a second trying to remember where he went. "Hospital? What is he doing? Is he going to..........NO!! He can't!!! ", said the future Jake to himself. The future self also sent himself back to where his past self went.

California Hospital Medical Center 2005

I appeared right outside the hospital and started to run in. When I just run into the door, I looked back and there was my future self running towards me.

Doctors and nurses started seeing me running through the halls and tried to catch me, but I was to fast for them so I rushed to an elevator and barely made it, he almost got to the elevator.

A couple minutes later

The floor and room I was born in was the 4th floor and 32nd room. I got to the floor and started running towards down to the hall. My heart started beating faster and faster. I hope I'm in the right time, Jake thought.

I heard an elevator just open up on this floor. "Shit! He's coming!", Jake said to himself loudly. I started hearing running footsteps coming up behind me, so I ran faster.

Room 25. Room 26. Room 27. Room 28. Room 29. Room 30. Room 31. Than I saw him coming up behind me! My arm started hurting again. "Argh!", yelled Jake slowing down. 32nd room is right there! I got in and I felt a great déjà vu. I remember this from a dream I had ounce. I was feeling terrified from running from someone! Now I know!

I than saw my dad get up from a chair next to my mom. Wow! Its been awhile since I've seen them, and I saw of course my uncle recording. Wait! So that would mean they will have this footage forever to look at! Fuck me! All of the sudden I felt like I cant move. Something was turning me around and I saw my future self walking towards me with his hand raised at me.

He than teleported right beside my mom and punched my dad and uncle to the side. My mom started screaming and panicking. I feel like I'm free now ounce he raised his hand down and suddenly he grabs our baby self. "Nooo!!!", yelled Mrs. Andrews trying to grab the baby.

My uncle and dad tried getting up but was seriously injured. Than I just stopped and looked at my future self holding us as a baby.

"It's not the end, its a new beginning, Jake", said my future self. I started running at him yelling at him. I love you Emma, Sam and everyone. Thank you for being there, from here on I will never exist and this never happened, Jake thought. And suddenly the baby disappears and I just stopped running and stared at him. Mrs. Andrews watched the whole thing and she saw us both disappear a little bit after the baby disappeared.

Mrs. Andrews was now in shock about what just happened. Mr. Andrews and his brother got up from the ground from getting punched. "Where's........J-jake.......?", asked Mrs. Andrews with a very slight voice. Mr. Andrews just stops and thinks what just happened. "He's gone!", said uncle Andrews with a brief tear.

"H-how......? The....hell....? My son!!!!!!", yelled Mr. Andrews falling to ground bursting with tears. Suddenly the cops come running in. "What happened?!", said a cop pointing his gun.


X-Mansion 2338 a.d.

"Hang on! I got see what's crying outside!", yelled a female 25 year old mutant student walking to the front door.

As soon as she looked outside, she saw a baby right at the door step. "Oh my god!", yelled the girl covering her mouth in shock. "Where did you come from?", asked herself picking up the baby.

She looked at the baby for a second and thought about taking care of him. She started smiling in thoughts of his future in this house. "You know what, your the most cutest baby I've ever seen. I'm gonna take care of you if you have nobody", said the girl.

She checked and saw what gender it was. "Male", said the girl with a giggle. "I wonder if you have a name?", asked herself. She pondered for a moment on calling him a name. "How about.... Alex? Yeah that has a ring to it!", said the girl in excitement. She closed the door and brought him in.

- The End -

End Of Book 1 - 4

Book 2 out now~

To be concluded~

*thanks for reading*

Thank you everyone for the votes and comments! :D

This is my first completed book for a series! :D

Vote and comment if you liked it and if you want to read book 2 :)


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