Chapter 10: Sent From The Future

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Central Park, New York City 2026

"We're almost there Cale, just a few more seconds", said Cyclops steering the wheel of the blackbird jet flying over the park.

"Yeah just stop right above the park, I'll shift into something that will have a safe landing", replied Cale unbuckling his seat belt and getting up.

Cyclops than pulled the lever for the back ground opening gate, I got closer when it was all the way open.

"Just remember, to attach the connectors to Jake, for you to go back into 2023. You are our only hope for saving this future! If this plan fails than we pretty much all die cause Jake will go back and kill us all! Warn everyone back at the mansion, make sure you *coughs* tell Jake what's going to happen", yelled Cyclops.

"Alright, I will warm them, wish me luck. Wait! What if the mission fails to change?", asked Cale gripping onto the time connectors tightly. "Than terminate Jake for our sake of succeeding for freedom for this future", replied Cyclops. Cale than jumped out when he was ready, and started shapeshifting into a dragon as he got closer to the ground. Many of the trees around me were waving around from wind from my wingspan.

I than landed on the ground. The mindants base is right below the central park, so I'll need to shift into a groundhog to get under the ground to their base. It's most likely they will have it guarded by a metal surrounding the base, so I'll need to go in with a weapon ounce I get to their front door.

I started forming into a groundhog and some of the public we're sorta frightened when they saw a large dragon coming out of a jet but they knew it was mutant.

When I shifted into a hog I started digging into the ground. Wow! Never done this before really, its very dirty. Cale thought.

Cale starting thinking about that if he fails to go back to 2023 to save the x-men from the future Jake. The future Jake has been injected with so many mutations from other mutants like Logan, Scott, Bobby, Storm, Jean Grey and other mutations. If I fail, than the mindant and the res of his powerful mutants could take over this world and control Jake and change history.

This world has already been through hell. When I get to the mansion, I have to really try to convince Jake to leave the mansion. My grandpa is also there, but I will not waste time spending time with him, and he wouldn't believe me that I'm his grandson.

Cale than got to a large opening to the gate underground. It looked like there was a couple guards there, shit! Cale thought.

I than drop to the ground. "What was that?", said one of the mutant guards hovering over the ground towards the noise. The other guard follows. The distance between me and the gate was probably about 300 feet away and it was a dark area where I was at, so I'm guessing they didn't see me, but just heard me impacting the ground.

What do I do to get in? Cale asked himself. After some consideration, Cale thought of the right thing to shapeshift into. With my mutation, I can shapeshift into any animal of sort, and even mythical creatures. I've have read allot of mythology in my days.

Cale started shifting into the Nemean lion and started ramping into the guards and gate. They tried shooting at me, but because of the type of mythical creature, this lion is invincible.

After wall after wall I tried finding Jake and connecting the time gadgets to him. They have all kind of metal walls, and I'm busting through every one of them.

There was starting to be a ton of guards coming and trying to stop me with all their might. Lasers coming at me with every direction, guards trying to hit me with large weaponry, some using their powers and other weapons to eliminate me. Swarms of mutant guards started getting more worse.

Throne room - 3 walls away from Cale

"Whats that? It....kinda sounded like a roar?", asked the mindant getting up from his throne. "I don't know. I'll go check it out", said Jake starting to walk towards the door from the throne room.

"Jake, if their coming for you, go back and kill them all now instead of tomorrow", said the mindant.

"Yes sir. Who's ever breaking in, I'll take care of them", replied Jake opening the door. As soon as he opened the door, Cale launched into Jake breaking the wall and impacting Jake at the same time.

Cale quickly shifted back to normal form. "Jake!", yelled Cale running towards Jake. I got the connectors ready to attach onto him. He was getting up from the floor from impact, I quickly went up to him and saw the mindant on the corner of my eye and his other 6 mutant guards running towards me.

"Aggghhhh!!", yelled Cale jumping quickly to Jake and attached the connectors to Jake. "Activate!", yelled Cale pressing the activate button.

The mindant was starting to yell no, and the connectors made a loud noise and teleported me right in the middle of the central park in New York.

"Whew... It worked, it worked", said Cale wiping off his face in relief. Cale looked at the time connectors and made sure it was in the right time.

Present time 2023

The gadget could also tell what time you are in. I looked around and this city is very different from my present time, right now in this time, I'm only a little kid....somewhere. I than felt a severe pain in my shoulder. "Ugh!", yelled Cale gripping his shoulder tightly. "What the fuck? Must have been injured while I was going through the base killing everyone", said Cale kneeling to his knees in pain.

"Got to get to the school today.....", said Cale with weakness of speech. I couldn't walk fast, so I had to find a car quickly around the area.

1 hour later

I've been searching for a car for the last hour in the public. I all of the sudden saw a guy drop his keys when he walked outside of his car. For some reason he didn't notice his keys when someone called his name. He walked away so I thought I could quickly borrow his car as long as I can to get to the school.

So I quickly rushed over and grabbed the keys, than got in and started the car. The guy looked around and heard the engine noise and saw that I was in his car. I pressed the gas lever and drove away and the guy started yelling and chasing at me, but I got away eventually.

Almost an hour later

Ok, I am now in Westchester County so I am close to the mansion. I hope Jake will believe me and leave this school. If he doesn't, this world will go through hell and I would have to kill him.

*thanks for reading*

To be continued~

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