Chapter Twenty one

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    "Mason, are you for real?"
    "I can't lie to you, Brad... I kissed her"
    "Does your wife know about it?"
    "No, she is surely going to kill me"
    "But how did it happen?"
    "I can't explain...I didn't realise until I was done although this is not my first time kissing Clover"
    "Probably you missed kissing her and you just did it again"
    "No, that's not it"
    "Or are you in love with her?"
    "Of course not, she is just baby's mother and I love my wife"
    "Well, I think you feel something for Clover"
     "No, I don't...I am sure I kissed her just for fun"
     "You are crazy, your wife was in the house when you kissed her now you are saying you kissed Clover for fun"
     "I don't even know what I am saying again"
     "You made a mistake bringing Clover to your house, take her back to your parents house just as you promised"
     "I have grown so fond of Miles and you know Clover will definitely take Miles with her"
     "Just know what you are doing ...don't ruin your marriage with your own hands"
     "Everything is definitely under control"
     "Since it is like that just pay for my drinks now" he smiles
     " are still the same, I will pay don't worry"
     "Thank you"
     "You welcome
    "Show me"
    "You really want to see it?"
    "This is it" she flaunts her engagement ring
    "Oh my God!" she shouts...."you were saying the truth"
    "Yes, best friend ....I am getting married"
    "I am so happy for you" she hugs her smiling widely
    "Thank you"
    " deserve everything"
    "I know...I can't just believe that I am getting married and I am going to have a baby" she touch her stomach
     "Double are so lucky"
     "Yes..hope I am not making a mistake"
     "Of course not, you are getting married to the love of your life and also your baby's daddy"
     "That's every woman's dream"
     "Are you okay?"
     "Yes, I am"
     "No, just tell me the truth"
     "I think I need a break"
     "From what?"
     "From my house, my husband... Clover especially"
     "That will be so stupid of you"
     "Why did you say that?"
     "You are automatically giving Clover the chance to do whatever she wants with your husband"
     "I trust Mason....He can't do anything with her"
     "I know you trust him but you don't trust can't predict her actions"
     "You know what?"
     "Today is all about you, just forget about my own for today...later we will discuss about my problems, now tell me how it happened"
     "I will tell you everything but first, get me a glass of hmm orange juice with hmm corn flakes and salad mixed with dark chocolates"
     "What?...what are you still waiting for?....I am hungry"
     "Did you hear yourself?"
     "Of course"
     "I can't....get that for complete food"
     "Have you forgotten I am pregnant?"
     "Oh..cravings!" they laugh
     "Be fast so I can tell you the full gist"
  *Few days later*
   "Hello" he pecks her
   "How are you?" she sits close to him
   "I am"
   "I am good what's up?.....we should have met in my house"
   "No, I don't want to go to your house"
    "Did you and Clover fight?"
    "Kind of"
    "What happened?"
    "Well, there is really something I have to tell you"
     "Is it about Clover?"
     "Yes, and your husband"
     "What do you mean?"
     "I can't take it anymore....I can't hide this from you"
     "Did you see my husband and Clover together?"
     "Calm down...not at all"
     "Tell me already"
     "Miles isn't Mason's son"
     "No, that's not true"
     "I have known about this even before Clover met Mason"
     "I don't understand you because what you are saying can't be true"
     "I will tell you everything, just calm down"
     "Alright, I am listening"
     "The shocking part is that Clover isn't Miles mother"
     "You are crazy, Alden.....what you are saying doesn't make any sense"
     "Clover was just a surrogate"
     "Yeah, that's right"
     "Okay now, I am confused because that night in San Diego, they had sex"
     "She was about two weeks pregnant when she slept with Mason"
     "This is unbelievable"
     "I am sure you are wondering how Mason's blood marched with Miles right?"
     "Yes....of course"
     "Clover is smart....she has her ways"
     "Why did she want to ruin my happiness?"
     "Ritz... It started when a couple came to the club which belongs to Clover...they told her about the surrogacy and she agreed because they were going to really pay a lot...Clover got pregnant after some weeks but she tried aborting it...doctors warned not to so she left it"
      "How did Mason come into the picture?"
      "She met Mason, she fell in love...she made him have sex with her, she really wanted him because she wants to always feel accepted by everyone, her father rejected her ever since she was in the womb so her mother transferred that resentment to her by not showing her any love"
     "She literally suffered psychologically"
     "I think so, she couldn't go back to the couple because she ran away and they were going to arrest her...she told me Mason was the perfect father figure so she had to make Mason the father"
      "I understand her, she just wanted to feel loved and accepted even though the people she loves doesn't love her back....she is ready to do anything"
     "Apart from that, she didn't want to raise the child alone....she didn't want the baby to feel all what she felt when she was a conclusion she is mentally ill"
     "I don't know if she is....I don't even know what to do, I am confused"
     "There is nothing to be confused about...let's start by looking for Miles parents"
     "Do you know where they are?"
     "San Diego of course"
     "We have to go to San Diego then"
     "Alden, I am not sure about that, I can't leave my husband alone with Clover"
     "We have to do this now so Clover can leave your husband forever"
     "I will think about it"
     "We have to be fast about this and please don't tell anyone yet until we have proved it"
      "I have heard you"
      "I am really hungry, let's order for something"
      "Alright but next time, you are definitely coming to the house"
      "No problem"
   *Three days later*
  "Look at me, I am talking to you"
  "At least I can hear you"
  "Have you heard from Alden lately?"
  "Yes, why?" she looks at her
  "He hasn't been picking my calls and he won't reply my messages"
  "That is your problem, don't involve me"
   "It is your problem also because it is your brother we are talking about"
   "Clover, I don't have time for you this evening, just leave me alone"
    "Did he tell you anything?"
    "Like what?"
    "Like why he hasn't been answering my calls"
    "I don't know"
    "You are both crazy"
    "You are the crazy one, a crazy woman will always force herself into the lives of people that doesn't want and need her"
     "I am not forcing myself into your life at least you are not my baby's daddy"
     "Excuse me"
     "Come back here, we are not done talking" she pulls her back
     "Hey, you don't pull me like that"
     "Then tell me how to pull you"
     "Just leave me alone, Clover"
     "No, I am still talki.... she falls to the floor
    *Mason enters*
    "Ritz, what is happening here?"
    "I didn't mean to push you, Clover"
    "This is what I face everyday for just being your son's mother"
    "Ritz, she is a nursing mother for cry out loud" he helps Clover up
    "Mason, you can't just judge like that"
    "Ritz, you are such a big just want be to die now so you will have my son"
     "Calm down, Clover"
     "Shut up...Miles isn't even Mason's son" she covers her mouth
     "What are you saying?"
     "Ritz, I can't believe you just said that, you are making things up....don't worry I am leaving and I am taking my son with me far away from you this jealous wife"
     "No way, you can't take my son away from me"
     "Mason, the agreement was that once Miles get better, we are going back to San Diego"
     "Yes, Mason... That was the agreement"
     "I know that quite well"
     "Excuse me" Clover walks away
     "Ritz, when did you become this?"
     "I didn't become anything"
     "Just apologise to Clover"
     "I can't"
     "Prove to me that you are still the same woman I married"
     "There is nothing to prove because I didn't change"
     "Okay" he walks away
     "The truth has to come out"
    "Nanny, get some clothes for Miles...his body is cold somehow" she holds him closer
    "Okay, ma'am" she leaves
    "You are such a cute baby" she tinkles him then he gives a soft laugh
    "What an innocent baby, you don't deserve a mother like Clover"
    "What are you doing with my son?....take your hands off him"
    "What"....she carries her baby away from her
    "Can't I carry him again?"
    "Yes, you can't"
    "And why is that?"
    "You are not his mother"
    "He is like a son to me because he is my husband's son"
    "I don't care about that"
    "Since when did you stop caring that Mason is Miles father?"
    "Don't put words into my mouth, you evil stepmother"
    "You are so ridiculous" she laughs loudly
    "What is your problem?"
    "You, of course....saying nonsense"
    "Nanny! Nanny!!....
    "You are so crazy, Clover"
    "You are the crazy one, Nanny!"
    "Yes, Ma'am"
    "Are you now deaf?"
    "No, Ma"
    "Take him to the room now"
    "Are you stupid?"
    "He just woke up"
    "I want your sack letter to wake up also"
     "No, Ma'am"
     "So take him to his room! then stay with him there"
     "Excuse me" she leaves with the baby
     "So what is really your....
     "Shut up"
     "You don't tell me to shut up in my husband's house"
      "And this is my baby daddy's house"
      "Something is wrong don't really act up to me like this"
      "Don't act like you are nice because if you were, you wouldn't have snatched Mason from me"
      "I didn't snatch him from, you guys were not even dating"
      "Because of you, I lost my chances with Mason"
      "It is not my fault, Mason doesn't love you"
      "It is your fault and I will never forgive you for that"
      "So that was why you brought Miles as Mason's son"
      "What do you mean?"
      "I know the whole truth...Miles isn't Mason's son"
      "You are sick, you are making things up to kick us out but it won't work"
      "Okay then"
      "I know Alden is behind this, he told you nonsense"
      "Not at all"
      "Prove it, if you can't prove anything then you and your brother are liars"
      "We will prove it and you will be so shocked"
      "Like I said earlier, you are sick" she runs upstairs
      "A great sign of a sick person, always thinking everyone is sick"

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