Chapter Twenty four

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   "You look so.........
   "I hate her....she ruined my happiness"
   "You had a visitor...
   "Yes, I did....she couldn't have come here, I just feel like killing her"
   "Seems like you are not the only one who has that motivation to kill someone"
    "She took the father of my baby from me, I want her dead!"
    "The baby isn't yours....wake up"
    "Mason will always be the father of my baby...whether they like it or not"
    "Did you just say Mason?"
    "Yes, Mason"
    "Mason Rivera"
    "How did you know Mason?"
    "Wait, Mason was your baby's father?"
    "Yes and what's your business with that?"
    "I am the happiest person in the world I mean finally, after all these years I have an update where that Mason guy is"
     "I don't understand you"
     "Mason and his whole family are going to die" she smiles
     "You can't kill Mason though I don't care about his family but what did he do to you?"
      "He killed the love of my Carlos, we were so happy in Los Angeles....we were supposed to get married and have no kids because I hate children"
      "Mason is not a murderer, he can't just kill like that"
      "Till now, I am still traumatised because he shot him right in front of me....that anger made me do so many crazy things that is why I made up to kill him when I see him"
      "I can't buy that....your story is so lame"
      "I don't care what relationship you have with Mason but you are the one who is going to lead me to him"
      "Count me out!"
      "You are going to do as I say"
      "I am sure your boyfriend deserve it, he must be wicked for Mason to kill him"
      "Carlos, he was just fighting for his rights, he wanted justice"
      "He kidnapped Mason's mother so he could get the justice he wanted...our place was raided by the police that night, he died in my arms... I was arrested after he died and since then I have been determined to kill Mason just as he killed my Carlos"
       "You are such a mentioned Los Angeles but here we are in San Diego"
       "Oh... I was transferred from Los Angeles to San Diego here"
       "Why is that?"
       "Mason's family are here...although the incident happened in Los case was transferred because they relocated here"
       "I am begging you, please don't kill Mason"
       "Sorry, I have determined for a long time that once I see the chance to do it, I will"
       "I love Mason, he is my son's father....I don't want my son to be fatherless"
       "He is not father's son, you don't have a son and besides isn't he the one that put you in jail?"
      "No, it is wife..Ritz, the stupid woman who came to visit me"  
      "He has a wife already?"
      "Yes, that stupid woman....I have an idea"
      "So what is that?"
      "Since Mason killed your boyfriend, why don't you kill his wife?"
      "I don't have any business with her"
      "If you kill Ritz, you and Mason would be even....he took away the love of your life, you also do the same"
      "Are you telling me what to do?"
      "Not at all... It is just an idea"
      "Wait, you are being selfish want to have Mason all to yourself?"
      "I thought you had sense than eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth...just do what is right"
      "They are still in San Diego?"
      " Rico's house"
      "Mason's you know the place very well?"
      "More than my family....I lived there for months"
      "Then it is time to pay them a visit"
      "I like that" she smirks
  *Same day*
    *No answer*
    "Amelia Mendez and Clover Argos escaped, they are not in their prison cell" she shouts
*Next day*
    "I can't wait anymore....I want to see Mason"
    "Calm yourself down, lady...we have to plan everything"
    "I am sure they already noticed that we are gone"
    "Of course, they are not infants obviously"
     "I am so impatient, I just want to shoot her straight in her stupid brain"
     "We don't have  a gun yet"
     "That's true, where do we get one?"
     "I should be asking you that"
     "Sorry, I don't....I am not a murderer remember?"
     "Who said you were?....what I mean to say is that you know your way around here, I was born and breed in Los Angeles"
      "I get you now, I need to think"
      "Be fast about it"
      "I think I know where to go"
      "Just follow me, let's go" she pulls her
  *Same day (Night)*
     "This is Alden's house"
     "Who is Alden?"
     "My former best friend and also Ritz's brother" as they both climb to Alden's bedroom window
     "Stay here and wait for me"
     "No, let's go in there together"
     "Alright then"
     "I don't get you, Clover....what are we here for precisely?"
     "A gun obviously"
     "I don't understand you, we are here for a gun...we are here climbing his window, are we confronting him?"
     "No, silly....Alden has a gun and I know where he keeps it, he is the only one I could think of" she opens his window
      "How did you this window leads to his bedroom?"
      "That's because I do sneak sometimes to meet him without his mom seeing me"
     "He is inside..
     "I thought you were tough but you here all acting timid"
     "Yes, I was and I am still tough...this is San Diego, I don't really know my way around"
      "Get in"
      "Who is there?....who is it?" he switch on the light
      "Take it slowly, Clover" Amelia whispers
      "I got this" she hits Alden with a vase...."you idiot!" she signs as she pulls her hair to the back
      "So go and get the gun"
      "I am going.......he must have changed the location" she says checking his drawers
      "Check other places"
      "Don't just sit ordering me around"
      "Remember I am your boss"
      "Whatever" she checks his wardrobe
      "You have seen it?"
      "Not yet...a little help here"
      "Do you want the dude to wake up on us?"
      "Of course not"
      "So I will just watch over should double up your search"
      "Miserable bitch.....she eyes her
      "What did you say?"
      "Finally, I got it"
      "Really?...Thank God"
      "Let's go now"
      "I like this jacket"
      "Leave it... Let's just go"
      "I really do like it" she grabs the jacket as they leave
  *Mason parents house*
     "Alden was attacked yesterday night"
     "How come? Dad"
     "We can't explain....we found him unconscious this morning in his bedroom"
     "You have to be careful these days, Ritz...close all your doors and windows very well at night"
     "Did they steal anything in his room?"
     "Not at all...that's the most surprising aspect of everything"
     "May be he has an enemy somewhere"
     "I don't know of anyone"
     "I know I might be in insane for wanting to mention this name"
     "Tell me"
     "Could it be Clover?"
     "She is in jail so it is not possible"
     "That's true but she is the one I thought of almost immediately"
      "Ma'am, there is someone looking for you"
      "Who is the person?"
      "It's a woman"
      "Alright, I am coming"
      "Yes, ma'am" she leaves
      "Excuse me, dad" she walks to the door
      "Hello, how may I help you?"
      "Are you Ritz Rivera?"
      "Yes, I am"
      "Please, I am begging her"
      "Help who?"
      "My her please"
      "I will help you but first tell me who your daughter is"
      " Clover"
      "Clover? are Clover's mom?"
      "I thought she said you were dead"
      "No, that's what she thinks"
      "Your daughter is where she is because she deserves it... What she did made her there"
      "She is sorry"
      "No, madam....Clover is never sorry and she will never be....I am sorry there is nothing I can do to help you"
      "Please....I want to make it up to her so help her"
      "I am sorry, I can't do anything and besides I wasn't the one who put her in jail"
      "That doesn't mean"
      "Madam, before you came here....I was doing some things...and I would like to go back to them right away"
      "I am sorry, excuse me" she close the door
      "Who was that?"
      "More like a beggar"
      "Oh, as I was saying....he is in the hospital now....though it isn't that serious"
      "Let's go and check on him....I will just get my bag"
      "Alright then"
*Mason parents house*
    "Dad, I think it is high time we left for Los Angeles"
    "Finally!" Benita shouts
    "So when are you guys going?"
    "So soon"
    "I can't wait to be alone with my wife and my wife alone"
    "Same here with me....just need to be alone with my husband too" Benita adds
    "Mom, are you already jealous?"
    "Ritz, please" they all laugh
    "Let's all go the park tomorrow"
    "Yes, so we can have fun before we go to Los Angeles tomorrow"
    "That reminds me, Mirabel is going to call tonight"
    "Is that so?"
    "Yes...let me get my tablet in case she calls now" he leaves to get it
    "So Ritz"
    "Yes, dad"
    "What plans do you have when you get Los Angeles?"
    "I don't really have though"
    "Don't mind her, Rico....she has"
    "Tell me, Ritz"
    "Dad, I don't really have any for now"
    "Her plan is to get....pregnant"
    "Really?" Rico and Ritz look at her
    "Hey everyone, Mirabel is online now"
    "Hi Dad, Hi Mom" she smiles widely
    "My baby girl"
    "Mom, how are you?'
    "I am"
    "I am good too"
    "That baby bump is cute on you"
    "Thanks Ritz"
    "My beautiful daughter"
    " cute dad"
    "So you won't greet me"
    "Jealous Mason" she laughs
    "How is your husband?"
    "He is fine, Mom"
    "How about my little princess Olivia?
    "She is asleep ri....."
    "And the network connection is ruined" he drops the tablet on the chair
    "She might call back"
    "Me, I want to sleep now"
    "Yes, she has come again....tsetse fly" they all look at her before they laugh
    "What is with the tsetse fly?"
    "Don't mind your mom....she has been talking about tsetse fly since and that is because I have been sleeping a lot lately
     "Oh really?"


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