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I got home and reached for my wallet but I didn't have it. Fuck. I got out the car and looked for it inside of it nothing. I grabbed my stuff and headed inside. I saw my dad talking to 5 guys on the couch. I was going to say something but something stopped me. I looked in front of me and dropped my stuff running up to him. He caught me as I jumped in his arms.

"Te extrañe" we said at the same time. He put me down and continued hugging me.

"Do we not get hugs?" I looked behind him. I hugged them.

"Happy early birthday" I heard my dad say.

"Dad my birthday is month away and you have to be kidding me. You brought Tarzan, Mono, and Cholo from puerto rico?"

"Yeah until February." He said.

"Yeah that's when my adoption gets finalized. I might stay here in LA with you tho lil mama" I hugged Cholo his accent coming out when he talked. I almost forgot Cholo was an orphan. That's how long it's been since I've seen them.

"Alejandro, Daniel, and Octavio you guys want to stay for dinner?" My mom asked. She refuses to call them Tarzan, Cholo, and Mono.

"That'd be great" Mono said.

"Why she refuse to call us by our names?" Cholo asked.

"Probably because you go by Cholo, Danny" I told him.

"Heard you're going to the Caribbean but ain't visiting our island. C'mon, Ari, you haven't been to your home country in so long" Tarzan said.

"I know, Zan. I will. Dad have you seen my wallet?" I asked. I had it I know I did but i might be tripping.

"You mean the wallet these nice boys brought" I said and the guys on the couch turned around. The dudes from earlier.

"Thanks" Catherine walked in. She stopped in her tracks.

"Um why are the why don't we boys on your couch?" She asked.

"That's where I knew them from" I said.

"You listen to our music?" Jonah asked.

"I do because my sister plays it all the time" Catherine replied.

"On cheer there was this girl that loved you guys wouldn't stop talking about you guys and listening to your music. Sadly she moved to Singapore. I loved her." I said.

"So what we strangers to you Catherine or what?" Mono, Cholo, and Tarzan asked.

"Of course not" she hugged them.

"Damn ma you single now or what cause fuck" Cholo asked. She pushed him away.

"Single but not to you. I don't like you, Danny" she said.

"They all say that" he said and winked.

"Imma beat your ass if you don't shut that down right now" I said.

"Yeah right Medina. You couldn't defend yourself if your life depended on it" Cholo said.

"Bet" I said and raised my eyebrow.

"Aight bet" Cholo said.

"My moneys on Ari" Catherine said.

"Cholo" Mono put a 20 dollar bill down on the table. Catherine put down a 20 as well.

"Imma go with my girl and say Ari" Tarzan put down a 20. My dad put a 20 down too.

"I'm routing for my daughter" he said. Cholo looked at the why don't we boys.

"Leave them out of this. You just mad cause only Mono believes in you. My moneys on Cholo" I said and put down a 20. I knew he wasn't going to win. I removed my jacket and tied my hair in a bun.

"Let's go" he said. I squared up. He swung but I dodged it. He swung again but I grabbed his arm and pushed him back. I swung and it skimmed his nose. His face was priceless. We 'fought' for 3 minutes before I caught his arm bent his wrist and held his arm behind him in the air as my other hand dig into his shoulder blade. "Fuck I tap out before you break my wrist" I let go of him and took the money.

"Catherine you and me dinner date tomorrow?" I asked. She's always down for food.

"Yeah." I looked at Cholo.

"She rejected me cause she's with you?" He asked. Her and I busted out laughing.

"No she's my best friend. I got a boyfriend bruh. She rejected you cause you're you" I said.

"Ari" my mom said.

"What hun she's not wrong. Cholo you ain't a bad looking dude you're just unloyal" my dad said. I laughed.

"Aaron" my mom said from the kitchen. I laughed.

"You ain't wrong" Tarzan said. "And Ari i don't see you in a year and you no longer have curly brown hair"

"I'm going back or I'll dye it black the color it was before I dyed it brown. Well before Ana dyed it brown with hydrogen peroxide."

"My sister?" Tarzan asked.

"Nah Marco's sister" I said with clear sarcasm.

"As sarcastic as ever I see" Mono said.

"Did you get more tattoos and a new car?" Cholo asked.

"Yes and sort of. I rebuilt that car. It was a mess but I made it a beauty"

"I wouldn't want a car from 1960 we got enough of those on the island" Tarzan said and looked down at his Jordan's. I sent them to him for his birthday.

"I see you still have your shoes that o sent you two years ago"

"preservation baby"

"I like how we got nothing." Mono said.

"Hold up" I went up to my room and grabbed three boxes. I handed Cholo and Mono one. Mono opened his.

"You got me Nike airs" I nodded.

"I wanted them for myself because you know 5 pairs of Nike airs isn't enough but they only had those. And since Cholo isn't that into Nike and Jordan's I got him so vans"

"Aye now I match my sister. Do you wear anything but Nike airs and vans?" He asked.

"No. Ripped jeans, band tees, jerseys, Nike airs, and vans like what the hell are short skirts, short shorts, and high heels. Also this. One for each of you" I went to the garage and grabbed the suitcase full of skateboards. "No fucking way Gucci belts" I smiled. I dragged the suitcase out to the living room. "You can each pick a skateboard" I smiled and opened the suitcase.

"You know damn well I'm taking this one" Tarzan said and grabbed the one with the Tarzan drawing on the back of the deck. Cholo grabbed the one with the Cuba flag on the back and Mono grabbed the one with the virgin de Guadalupe on the back.

"Woah I don't even know you but I think I'm in love." I heard one of the Why Don't We boys say.

"I'm just helping out those in a bad situation. I was in that situation. Not having nice clothes, nice shoes, or food in your stomach. I know the feeling and it sucks."

"It got better when you moved to Miami didnt it?" Catherine asked. I don't like talking about my life that much.

"Nah. Imagine moving to a new country. Where you don't know anything or anyone. You don't speak the language and you don't have anything in your pockets but hope. Imagine having to leave the place you spent the first 3 years of your life in. Your home country. Yeah we left to have a better life live in better conditions but it still sucks" I looked down. Tarzan, Cholo, and Mono hugged me.

"We love you sister" I hugged them all back.

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