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"No, Ari, why are you crying?" He kneeled down next to me rubbing my back.

"Because I'm an awful person" I cried out.

"No baby you're not" I cried harder.

"I am" I tried to calm down before speaking. "I shouldn't have said that"

"We're having a baby together"

"No we were" I didn't want to look up at him.

"We were?" He sounded so hurt.

"I was pregnant. But I was under so much stress because of my album that I lost the baby."

"When did this happen?"

"A few days before Valentine's Day that's why I was acting different. I should of told you when I found out but I didn't know how. We were going to have a baby girl" I began to cry again.

"Baby, please stop crying. Am I upset you didn't tell me? Yes but I get why. You did nothing wrong okay"

"You still call me baby" I looked up at him.

"Yes. I'm not mad and you're not a terrible person. I get why you didn't tell me and maybe when we're both ready we can have a baby if we're still together" I can tell it pained him saying 'if we're still together.' I pulled him into a kiss.

"I'm sorry" he looked confused.

"For what?"

"For breaking up with you. I thought that's what was best but I have been miserable. I haven't slept much" i told him.

"I haven't either" he held my face in his hands. "I could never stop loving you, you do know that right?" He held me until I was calm.

"Thank you" I said.

"You welcome" he smiled helping me up.

"Shawn would you like to be my boyfriend, again?" He thought about it and it worried me.

"I'm kidding. Yes I'd love that very much" he pulled me into a hug before connecting our lips for a long passionate kiss. "Fuck have I missed doing that" he smiled.

"I love you"

"And I love you. I better get packing."

"You found a place?" Damn I didn't know he found a place so fast.

"Yea. I move in like 5 days from now. My friends from Canada are coming to help me move. They would be here anyway because they wanted to visit me so figured they might as well help"

"Okay. I'll leave you to it then. Would October 1st still be our anniversary or is March 3 our anniversary now?"

"Good question" he thought about it. "I'd like to say October is still our anniversary"

"Ok see you when I get back from tour" I pecked his lips.

"I know you'll kill it" he smiled. I put my hoodie up before leaving.
(Another big time jump to wrap up the story)
It's April. I graduate in two months. Tour with Justin Bieber was so cool and John Mayer with Shawn was amazing. I'm grabbing my bag to fly to Europe. Paris here we come. I meet Marco and Cat downstairs at Marco's car.

"Por fin. You took hella long" Marco spoke.

"Shut up. I almost forgot my charger and passport"

"They're critical things, Marc" Cat told him laughing.

"Gross don't ever call me that again. And are you okay?" He asked.

"No its 4 in the morning I'm never awake this early I'm hisertical and need coffee. Can we go to Starbucks before going to the airport?" Marco looked at me and I begged him.

"Okay. Como chingan" he said turning left heading to Starbucks.

"You'll be a great Latino dad you got it down already" I said resulting in him and cat laughing. We got Starbucks and headed to the airport. Marco walked in front of Cat and I.

"You and your man getting it down in Paris?" She question arching her brow. I looked at her sipping my drink. "C'mon it's the City of Love" she drew a heart in the air with her index fingers and almost dropped the coffee on the left hand.

"I don't know we'll see. We won't really be able to hangout or anything like that." I frowned. I hate that this is a school trip. But hey Europe for two weeks, prom two weeks after we get back, graduation a week after, then I'm out this bitch. I still don't know if I'm going to senior sunset because the food is going to be trash.

"Alright we're going to say groups now so that we can count and then we'll count when we land in Paris and give room assignments at the hotel" Cameron told us. It's 4:30 am how does he have so much energy.

"Alright in Mr. Mendes' group we have Catherine Lorenzo( forgot if I have Catherine a last name), Marco Carmosa, Jaden King, Abigail Martinez, Katy Stewart, Ariana Medina Carmosa, Andrea Sosa, Aaron Sosa, Junior Lozano, Santos Martinez Córdoba, DaShawn Marcus, Eddie Novoa, Lissette Sánchez, Carlos Mata, Sydney King, and Galilea Carmosa" I'd rather room with Katy than Galilea. Cameron continued calling groups.

"Okay, so I wont be all up on you wanting to know where you are all the time. Just buddy up don't go anywhere alone, I trust you'll be responsible, I'll only be on you guys when it's time for a group count other than that you'll be  at liberty to be on you're own. Enjoy Europe" he smiled. We all headed to the gate to board the plane. Paris here we come. I'm not ready for this flight tho. I took my isle seat; Shawn passed by me and smiled. He was sitting 4 rows behind me. My phone dinged. Los Puertorriqueños Cabrones🇵🇷
Tar❤️: Bring me something from France

Me: what?

Tar❤️: idk just bring me something

Cholo🤘🏽💙: me too

Mono🙈🖤: yo también.

Me: que está pasando. Am I suppose to mail them to you guys?

Cholo🤘🏽💙: no give to us when you get back.

Me: will you guys be in LA?

Mono🙈🖤: Yes ma'am

Tar❤️: te miramos en dos semanas nena. Have a safe flight.

Not even one second after I locked my phone did it ding again.
My 🌙, my ⭐️, my 🌎: I hope you know that having Santos in my group won't be an easy thing.

Me: i know. Try not to kill him. Having Galilea in the same group isn't ideal either. I can't believe she was able to come.

My 🌙, my ⭐️, my 🌎: try not to kill her. And why wouldn't she?

Me: couldn't kill her she's family after all doesn't matter that she fucked me over. And she's pregnant with Santos baby well that's what she says.

"Are you serious?" I heard. I turned to look at Shawn and did most of the plane. "Sorry" He apologized. I let out a laugh. This should be one interesting trip.

Mr. MendesWhere stories live. Discover now