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Ari's POV
I've been in the Dominican for two days and I really miss Shawn. Like a lot. This never happened with Santos yet again Santos and I didn't spend everyday together and he wouldn't hold me every night in his arms so that I could fall asleep like Shawn did.

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princessari: soaking in that beautiful Dominican weather

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catherine: look at my best friend go I miss you.
seaveydaniel: hope you're doing better than the last time we talked
wdwfanacc: you and Daniel talk? Together? Friends?
princessari: @seaveydaniel I am doing better. I'll call you later and tell you. Actually you call me cause of time differences.
jonahmarais: why wasn't I invited?
jackaverymusic: Yes. Ari is healthy, alive, and thriving.
princessari: I laughed so hard Jack.
beautychickee: Yes police this post right here. Who allowed you to be this beautiful?

S❤️: I really wish I could comment under your Instagram posts. I want the world to know about my appreciation for my beautiful girlfriend

Me: one day love. I miss you.

S❤️: miss you too. Glad you're doing better and are getting yourself where you want to be

Me: me too. I've been focusing on my mental and physical health. Have to eat.

I still haven't told my family that Santos and I are no longer together but they think we are because it covers for Shawn and I. I hate that I can't share my relationship with anyone. Catherine is the only that knows. And honestly she's the only one I trust to know.

"Mija comida" my grandfather said. I made my way downstairs. He smiled placing a plate of food in front of me. "So mija how are you and the Santos guy?" He asked as he took a bit of his food.

"Good" not good none existent actually.

"I expect a great grandchild from him before I pass" his statement made me start to choke.

"Apá" my dad said.

"Jaden" his wife told him.

"Although I'd like a grandchild" my mom said. "Not right now. She's still young and has a lot she wants to accomplish" she continued. Thank you mother.

"Like the music. How's that?" My abuela asked. I was always fascinated by my abuela when she spoke in English. Her Dominican accent was beautiful and added to her character.

"Good I'm writing songs. I have some friends that are in a band and are helping me with music and stage presence. I might release a song soon"

"Good for you" my grandfather said. He never really understood the whole music thing. Not that he didn't believe I could go far in the industry because he tells me everyday that he's waiting for the day he's in the car and my song comes on the radio or when he sees my name in one of those world known magazine like Rolling Stones or Vogue. He just didn't understand how I could write so fucked up songs sometimes. I remember once he read one of the songs I wrote and cried even made me call a suicide prevention line. My mind becomes a dark, scary place when I'm alone for too long. Which is why I always have friends around. I hate being alone because I hate the place my mind travels too. We continued eating and talking. I laid in bed staring outside at the water. My grandparents lived in a beautiful house that looked out to the ocean I got up and sat on the balcony enjoying the breeze. I hate that I couldn't sleep. I got a FaceTime from Daniel. I answered and his smiling face appeared on the screen.

"How are you so smiley it's 11 pm where you are" I told him.

"I don't know. I'm glad your doing better. You definitely look better. What time is it over there?"

"Thanks. It's 3 am"

"Why are you still awake?" He sounded worried. I continued talking to Daniel for like an hour before I decided it was time to let him get sleep even if I couldn't. People seem to think him and I are together for some reason. Shawn told me it makes him angry and I understood why. I really hate that we can't put our relationship out like that. The rest of the time I was in the Dominican I spent time with the family I had there, went on adventures, did things people usually do when they visit that I hadn't already done or redid the ones I did like, vlogged, and ate some bomb ass food. Friday November 2nd and I'm sitting in a plane waiting for it to take off. In 7 hours I'm back in LA and get to be in Shawn's arms. I fucking missed him.

"Mija is Santos coming over?" My dad question I turned my attention away from the window.

"Um I don't know why do you ask?"

"Because he always comes over when we go on vacation"

"Right. I don't know if he can" he looked at me worried.

"Is everything alright between you and him? He hasn't been over in a while" he questioned.

"We're good. Just in a fight. It was stupid so we're giving each other a bit of space"

"But other than that you guys are fine? He's treating you right and making you feel loved?" I nodded. Nah he cheated on me and made me feel pain but Shawn has treated me right and makes me feel loved. I never wanted to lie to my parents about my happiness. I told myself o wasn't going to anymore. I told myself I wasn't going to tell them I was happy if I wasn't and I am happy but it's not with the person they think. I hate this age difference and I hate that he's my teacher because I can't share the happiness he gives me.

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