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Catherine's POV
I woke up and checked my phone but quickly put it down being as it was too bright to look at. I readjusted the brightness and held my phones up to check the time 2 a.m. I'm kind of hungry, wonder what the vending machine has. (I know on school trips some schools usually put tape on the doors but let's say they don't) I went out and saw some boys crowding around a door. I think that's Mr. Mendes's door. I choose to ignore it and continued to get some snacks until one of them commented something.

"Damn he really going in" I grabbed my chips and made my way to them.

"What are you boys doing?" I asked.

"We could sleep 'cause we heard noise" Aaron spoke.

"At first we ignored it" Marco said.

"But then it got louder" Santos came out of the room next door.

"How did you sleep through that? He's like pounding the shit out of her" you could faintly hear the bed hit the wall through the door.

"How do you know it's a girl?" I questioned. Santos agreed.

"Listen." The boys presses their ears to the door and then retracted their ears. Something clicked in Santos' head; That can't be good.

"He's a grown man. Let him live. All of you get to bed. I'm sure they're done." I told them noticing you could no longer hear anything.

"Is he still with his girlfriend?" Junior questioned.

"If he is, he's in the dog house" Aaron said as they entered the room, Santos pulled me aside.

"It's Ari, it's it?" He questioned. I didn't answer. "Cat, answer my question. It either is or it isn't"

"Why does it matter?"

"It matters because he's um a) her teacher b) 7 years older than her and c) her dad's best friend."  He took a deep breath. "I don't want her hurt. If people find out he can be sent to jail for dating a minor and his student, I" I cut him off.

"That's where you're wrong. He doesn't work their anymore. You're the only one that knows so if anyone were to find out it would be because of you and that would give Ari another reason to be hurt by you. You're the one that has hurt her, Santos. You cheated on her with her cousin, twice I might add, and got her cousin pregnant. She gave you a second chance dude and you blew it. It's time to move on. I'm sorry."

"Technically, it was once" I looked at him like he was dumb.

"The first time I didn't actually do it" what the fuck is happening?

"What do you mean?"

"A while ago, I called Ari cross faded and it was called to my attention that Galilea drugged me the first time we were ever together. After that yes it was my choice"

"She drugged you?"

"Yea. At Damacio's party" what's he doing there?

"You hate him" he laughed.

"Yeah I know. I regret going but I was going through shit."

"If you know this why are you still with her?"

"As you said before she's pregnant with my baby. I'm not gonna be that father that walks out on its child just cause him and it's mother got beef. Imma be there for that baby. I'm going to love and care for it. Give it a better life than me and if it's a boy teach him to never cheat on any girl and to always treat her like a queen and if it's a girl to never take crap from anyone and to know that she's capable of anything"

"You'll make a good father" I told him.

"Thanks." He smiled.

"Tell Ari that I wish her the best and I hope she's happy with him. And don't worry I won't say anything. She already hates me."

"I don't hate you" we both looked at Ari.

"I'll leave you two to talk" I headed back to my room.

Ari's POV
"You don't hate me?" He asked.

"Well not anymore"

"I won't tell anyone" we went to sit on a bench.

"I wouldn't blame you if you did" I told him.

"Why would I?" I turned to look at him. "Am I hurt? Yeah but I know that you were hurt too. I know that me being with Galilea hurt you. I want you happy. He makes you happy. I see it. Everyday that I saw you walk down the hall at school I saw you happier and I wondered why. I wondered why you were glowing and why everything about you seemed even more radiant than before. And it was because of him. He's good for you. He helps you become the best version of yourself I know he does."

"You helped me too" He laughed.

"Yeah but not like he does. He brings this different energy out of you. He came into your life and you finally released your music. I had been telling you for years to do that but you always taught you wouldn't be good enough and I always told you that you would. I would tell you you're beautiful but I know that around him you actually feel and believe it because it's noticeable in your pictures and other social media posts. You don't have to lie to me. I know that we have our moments in our relationship but with him it's different. I can tell." He stood up. I grabbed his arm. "No, Ari, it's fine."

"No you don't get it"

"I do understand tho. You and him share something that is more special than anything we could of shared the four years we were together. Things happen. I get it. I wish you both the best. I hope you both have amazing music careers. You guys make great music and honestly you would make great parents someday. Now I gotta go to bed we're going sightseeing tomorrow. Goodnight" he walked away to his room leaving me speechless in the hall.
(Sorry if this sucked)

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