Chapter 08|

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Chapter 08| Prom

I waited until Saturday to get the next envelope in order to avoid the crowd of high schoolers.

I pull up to a curb and park my car before heading towards my old high school. Walking more towards the school's courtyard, I approach a backless cement bench.

This bench was our spot. Mine and Callum's. We'd eat lunch here every day, along with a couple other friends or to talk when we had free period.

Remembering the clue, I look under the bench, and sure enough, taped to the bottom of the bench is an envelope. I'm sort of impressed with how he was able to keep the letter under the bench for so long without it falling.

I reach underneath the bench and grab the envelope from the bench, before ripping open the envelope and pulling out the letter.

Dear Ivy,

Only two more letters left. Seeing as the clue I had was so obvious, I'm sure you already know what I'm going to talk about, but if for some random odd reason you don't, then I'll just inform you real quick, it's Prom. Both junior, and senior year prom were pretty great. A lot of fun, but I think senior prom was better, so I'll be talking about that one.

You looked really pretty that night. A long white dress, with your hair, let down. You looked gorgeous. Overall, Prom was great. The food was good, and the pictures didn't look half bad. A little awkward but I'm glad we took them. The dancing was the best part, I think. We had upbeat songs that had everyone jumping and excited, like 'Timber' by Mr. Worldwide. The slower songs, like 'Let Her Go' by Passenger, had Mr. Lemmings pulling students apart due to their close proximity. The whole prom king and queen thing was quite interesting. Jason and Hadley won, which surprised a lot of people, seeing as they weren't even together anymore. That sure was one hell of an awkward prom king and queen dance. But all in all, a great night.

Your next clue is in the envelope. Don't overthink it, that's all I'm going to say.



Setting the letter aside I reach back into the envelope to pull out a picture. It was a picture Callum had taken of me around his freshman year of college. We were just walking around and then stumbled upon a meadow. Callum saw it as the perfect opportunity to practice his photography skills and took a couple shots of me sitting by grass and flowers.

I'm definitely going to end up overthinking this.

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