I'm sorry!

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I know last chapter was a surprise, and was very sad. It was so sad, that it almost made me cry.... So... Sorry? I have no Idea what to say...  I just felt like I should do a chapter that would make you cry.(Like every story ever,) But this chapter is something my friend half wrote, and I just went through it and redid some parts. You should read her stories too though! 



(Y/N P.O.V)

I woke up, rubbing my head. I looked at my wrists, they had scars on them, I looked at the area I was in. The sky was blue, and I was sat upon soft fluffy clouds, I patted them a few times.. "Is this Heaven? I really thought I'd be in Hell after being so.. so horrible!" I sobbed. "Please don't sob again" a sudden voice said, I snapped my head forward. The voice sounded high-pitched, but a bit scratchy. Not very high-pitched, just you wouldn't expect a scratchy voice to not be as high. Maybe medium-pitch I dunno, anyways.. I looked forward, sat a few feet away on the clouds was an angel. She had long light gray wings, as light gray as a cloud you'd see right before a small rainstorm. Above her head was a pastel yellow halo, it didn't shine too bright. Her skin was pale, and her hair was dark brown and messy, some parts of her hair in front of her eyes. The girl wore suspenders and a white T-Shirt, she wore no shoes. She looked at me, "I am Jane Dean, the little sister of J.D" she said, her feet stuck through the clouds under her. "So, I'm in Heaven, where I can watch over my boyfriend till his death?" I asked, she laughed, shaking her head. "No, my friend!" the girl laughed. I was confused, I slit my wrists, the bleeding was so fucking severe, how could I survive this? "Oh silly-" the girl began, but an angelic voice stopped her.

"Sweetie, what have you been telling dear Y/N?" a women asked. 

The woman had black curly hair,fair skin, and a few freckles on her arms and face. She wore a pastel blue sundress and large white wings, as white as the clouds below us. She had a halo of nothing but gold. "Just talking mom!" the girl chuckled, the woman smiled, sitting beside the girl who claimed to be the little sister of bad boy J.D. And as you looked closer at her, you saw she looked a bit like J.D. "How about you go play with Chief in the cloud fields while I explain everything to dear Y/N?" she asked, the girl nodded and rushed off, holding a dalmatian plushie in her hands, "Come on, Chief!" she shouted.The woman looked back to me, "Salutations, Y/N." she grinned, shouts from Jane flooded the air for a bit until they quieted down. "Uh, hi.. can you explain what I'm doing here? I thought I was in Heaven but that girl... Jane, said-" I began, but was cut off by the woman, "I am Jessica Dean, the mother of Jason Dean," she grinned, and had a warm look in her eyes."O-Oh... I'm sorry, I don't really know what to say... J.D doesn't really talk about his family much," You informed her, looking at the clouds by your feet. Jessica laughed a bit, then took in a sigh."Oh, really? Well, I guess that's reasonable."

"So, what... What's going to happen? Jane just seemed to laugh when I asked if I was going to stay here. But I don't know how I would go back if I'm dead..." Jessica held her hand out to yours,"well first, your not dead. And second, you need to follow me."

You grabbed her hand while your were shacking. What was going on? Why did J.D never tell you he had a sister? Why are you not dead? So meany questions flew around your head, making you dizzy, and light headed.

When you touched Jessica's hand, you seemed to flout as light filled your vision. Your eyes burned with all the light around you. Then It all seemed to drain, and you were standing next to Jessica in hospital room,"What the hell just happened...." You said putting your hand to your head, and rubbed it."I brought you to see J.D, and what he's doing right now," she told you, looking strait at the wall, making no eye contact. You were about to ask what she meant, and where J.D was. Then your questions were answered as the door flew open. J.D walked in the room, "where is she? Where's Y/N?" He said, almost hitting the wall with his fist."She's sleeping," the nurse replied with no emotion, messing with something by the sink. J.D looked over to a hospital bed, where your body slept. Covered in bandages, and wires.

J.D ran over to your body, clearly very upset about you being in a hospital. He sat on the chair next to the bed, and ran his hands over your body."Oh no... Oh no, my love... " He sobbed, you never thought he could ever look so weak. You never thought that the bad boy you met would ever cry over you, or for you. Or even care.

"J.D, I'm so sorry! I'll never leave you again!" You walked over to him, putting your hand on his shoulder, he continued to sob over you."He can't feel you. To him, we'er not here," you heard Jessica say behind you. You nodded sadly in understanding, and turned to her."You want to go back, don't you?" She gave you the same smirk that J.D did, the one he gave when he knew he had won."Yes.... I didn't think he would care if I left," you said to Jessica, not meeting her eyes."Yes, I want you to go back to him," she looked over your shoulder at J.D,"he really loves you."

You looked behind you, and saw J.D was more calm now. But his eyes were still baggy, and were full of un shed tears. You looked down at her feet in shame, then noticed them turning wight, and vanishing."Go back to him..." You heard Jessica's sweet voice in your ear," please go back to my dear son..." 

Then you could feel hands playing with your hair, warm hands. J.D's hands.

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