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it was wonderful meeting you and milo i told the woman, shaking her hand and escorting her out of the exam room.
brrzzt my phone buzzed
it was hoseok. jasmine~ahhh are we carpooling?
i need to get some cash): meet u @ the venue i responded
i pet milo's head
he didn't react because he was sedated so heavily he's a strong puppy! make sure he gets lots of rest, and give him those pills if you notice discomfort. i assured her before waving goodbye to my assistant and following the two out the door.
i tightened my ponytail and straightened out my monsta x shirt as i stepped out of my car and onto the slightly wet blacktop.
it was a little chilly, but i already locked my car, so i just hurried into the bank.
banks are normally quite quiet, right?
well, most times they are
at least for me
i guess because i normally go later in the night.
i pulled out my wallet, counting my cash and tapped my finger onto my calculator app to check how much money i might need for the concert.
bzzzzrt my phone again
ok hurry up you big doofus!! i need to get to the front somehow! pls~~ wonho is waiting for me... hoseok always texted so cute somehow.
he's only your bias cuz u have the same name i clicked off my phone just to watch it light up with a short buzz again on the counter next to me.
that's when my eyes fell onto the guy next to me.. broad shoulders, tall. taller than hoseok, i think soft looking hair, wire frame glasses.
he was already looking at me, and my slight smile that had been plastered on my face from my friends messages quickly fell to a shy smirk as i pulled an elbow onto the cool granite to block his view of my face.
i pressed a button on the atm and started slipping my money into my wallet.