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i threw my arms under his body and yanked as hard as i could, the adrenaline rushing through all of my limbs, making me feel infinitely strong
i felt him lean over me
his breath wafting over the back of my neck
a slight spice stung the air
then he spit i felt it smack on my back you shouldn't give yourself so much credit his foot connected instantly with my face i felt the stream of blood float, almost defying gravity as my skull shook in its skin.
then he was gone
the ceiling was spinning and the walls bent in and out my stomach churned painfully
i was splattered all over the floor, unsure if i was still together was i alive?
i wiped my dribbling nose and turned my head to my right, instantly seeing seokjin laying on his side
how long has it been? i asked him
he didn't respond.
the glass door swung open with a gust of wind oh my god i heard leave a woman's lips