Chapter 17- Remember

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Eunwoo's POV:

"What a hectic day, right Wags?" I pat Wags head as I let out a long sigh.

All of a sudden I got a call from my secretary.

Eunwoo: "Hello, Mr Wood."

Mr Wood: "Um this is his wife, Mrs Wood, Mr Wood is in the hospital. He sprained his ankle, he won't be able to come to work for a couple of weeks."

Eunwoo; "Ok I understand Mrs Wood, take care of him well. I expected him to come to work when he gets discharged out of the hospital. Bye."

Mrs Wood; "B-Bye, Thank you for understanding."

I hung up the call. "Ugh and now my secretary is gone." I jump into my bed and the covers over my head.

I call the job interviewers.

JI: "Hello, Mr Cha."

Eunwoo: "Get me a secretary now."

JI: "Oh we've got the perfect person, she'll be coming in today. Would you like me to tell you who?"

Eunwoo: "No, keep it as a surprise. Thank you for doing your job efficiently, bye."

JI: "No thank you Mr Cha for giving me this job, goodbye."

I sigh in relief. "Well I have to go work." I pat Wags on the head.

Y/N's POV:

"HELLOOO?" I look everywhere wondering were everyone went. "Oh yea they all went to work..." I frown being the only jobless person in the house.

All of a sudden I got a call from the job interviewers,

Y/N: "Hello?"

JI: "You've got the job as a secretary."

Y/N: "Will I get to program as a secretary."

JI: "I think so, you'll be very busy though."

Y/N: "Hm ok, thank you when will I start?"

JI: "Today."

Y/N: "WHAT?! I'm sorry I was just a little shock, when will I be coming in?"

JI: "As soon as possible, goodbye Ms Kim."

And just like that he hung up, leaving me with my mouth wide open. "I DONT EVEN KNOW WHO'S SECRETARY I AM!" I mentally panic in my head.

I quickly get ready and rush out the door.

At work...

"Excuse me but I'm coming here as a secretary, do you know who I'm a secretary for?" I asked the front desk still confused.

"Is your name Kim Y/N?" The receptionist looked up at me.

"Yes." I nod my head

"You're gonna be the secretary for the person on the top floor." She pointed at the elevator.

"Why can't you tell me who it is?" I ask wondering who's putting me in all this trouble.

"Well he said he wants it to be a surprise." She gave me a weak smile.

"Ugh ok thanks." I head to the elevator.

As I press the top floor button, I see Sanha come into the elevator. "Hey!" I smiled at him.

"Oh you got the job already?!" He clicked the floor he needed to go.

"Yes, I'm working as a secretary." I smiled weakly.

"Heh, I hope to see you around I'm in Unit A." The elevator stops at his floor.

"Bye." I waved and he waved back. I slouched and sighed as it stopped on the top floor. When I get out I'm greeted by two offices.

"Hello?" I call out, scratching my head.

"Please come in." I hear a voice from the office to the left. As I opened the door I bowed immediately.

"Hello, I'm pleased to be your secretary I hope we can be friends." I said while I bowed.

"I don't make 'friends' with my employees." I looked up to see Eunwoo in his chair.

"W-What?!" I squeaked in shock.

"Heh I'm surprised to see the woman that was in my house this morning too. Say what was your name again?" He folds his hands and leans back in his chair.

"Y-Y/N, Kim Y/N. Did you know this Eunwoo?" I stare at him in surprise.

"No, I asked them to keep it a surprise. Please do not call me by my name at work. I need you to revise the graphics and I also need you to put a meeting on my schedule for Wednesday this week, at 2:00 pm." He went back to his computer.

"And where do I work?" I ask in confusion as he gives me all the paper work.

"In that corner over there." He points to the tiny corner of the office.

"Why not the other office?" I sighed annoyed.

"Because I don't think Mr Wood would like you to touch his stuff. Stop asking me questions and do your job." He stays focused on the computer.

"Aish jerk." I muttered.

"What did you say? I could replace you in an instant you know." He says with no expression.

"I'm sorry." I say sarcastically.

"Oh yea! Ms Kim clear your date this week." Eunwoo types on his computer rapidly.

"Why?" I rolled my eyes.

"You're going on a business trip with me."

Sorry I got lazy ;-; literally so much HOMEWORK!!!

Behind the Screen (Eunwoo x Reader)✔️ [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now