Chapter 7

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When I open my eyes, I notice that Germany is already awake, lying down on his side right next to me. He notices that I'm awake and gives me a warm smile. His arm is slung over me, and my hands are right by his chest. My face flushes again, my heart pounding.

"Guten morgen." Germany said.

"Buongiorno." I said back. Germany looks off to the door for a moment, contemplating something. I move closer to him, resting my head on his biceps. He leans down a bit and kisses me lightly on the forehead. We stay cuddling like this for a while, until Prussia knocks on the door.

"West! Get up! You know something's up when the awesome me wakes up before you do! I guess it just means I'm more awesome than you, but I knew that anyways." Prussia doesn't come in, probably knowing that I'm still here. He's more considerate than he comes off to be. We get up on either side of the bed, not saying anything. We don't need to. We pull some clothes on and leave the bedroom. Germany takes my hand with his, and we walk to the kitchen like this.

It was probably Prussia who already made us food. Sausage and cheese sat on two plates, with some scrambled eggs to the side. There were also some pancakes on a separate serving plate, and a bottle of maple syrup next to it. The bottle had the words 'imported from Canada' on it. I remember hearing that Prussia had a boyfriend, but I didn't who it was, but I guess it must be Canada. I wonder how that dynamic works.

I take one of the plates and grab two pancakes and put them on it. Germany does the same and takes the maple syrup. We walk to the dining room and sit across from each other in our normal spot, the small round table by the window. I take a bite out of my sausage.

"Whoa, this is really good! Prussia made this, right?"

"Ja, when he took me in, he had to get good at cooking so he could call himself a good big brother. He used to threaten to take me to England for food if I did something bad," Germany said, laughing a bit.

We continue to eat our food, wordlessly, but not silently. We communicate in a way that we never have before. I finish the sausage, cheese and scrambled eggs. I grab the bottle of maple syrup and carefully pour it over my pancakes.

"Is Prussia going out with Canada?" I ask Germany.

"Canada, believe it or not, is the one keeping Bruder alive right now."

"Ve? Really? But doesn't he have that polar bear too? How can he keep Prussia and him?"

"Apparently he's strong-minded enough."

"Weren't you and Austria keeping him alive before?"

"We were, but then Canada insisted on helping too. Austria is still helping Canada, but Bruder made me stop. He said that I had already repaid the favor at that point and he didn't want to stress me anymore."

"Prussia is actually really nice."

"Yeah. He is."


After we finished breakfast, I insisted on doing something fun. Germany was completely willing. After watching a couple episodes of anime, we went to the mall. I like Japan's anime shows a lot. I think Germany does too.

In the mall, we held hands as we window shopped. I immediately went to the Build-A-Bear Workshop. Germany looked embarrassed, but didn't say anything. I made a bear to look like Germany, with slicked-back blonde fur, and a green military uniform. I skip up to Germany and hold it out to him. Blushing, he holds out a bear that has auburn fur and a hair curl sticking out to the side. The bear is wearing a blue military uniform with brown boots. We both agreed to keep our bears.

We walk through the mall hand in hand, the other arm holding a bear. I see the food court and notice that it's time for lunch.

"Germany, Germany! Let's go to the food court!" He smiles at me.

"Okay." There aren't many good restaurants here, but whatever. I get some delicious chicken. It tastes like Japan's cooking, but Japan's is better. Germany pays for it, along with a Dr Pepper. He gets the same order and we find a long table to sit down at. I sit on the booth side, Germany sitting opposite me. We put our bears down in our lap and start to eat our food.

Not much time passes before I see Romano and a taller, brown-haired man wander in the door. Romano sees me and gives me a glare, but the man--who I now recognize as Spain--notices me and jay-walks his way over to our table, Romano slowly following behind.

"Hola, Venezito! What are you doing here?"

"Me and Germany are on a date!" I exclaim cheerfully. Germany looks down at his bear and blushes a bit. Spain smiles widely. "What about you, big brother Spain?"

"Me and Romano are doing the same," he explained happily. Romano turned red and frowned a bit. I can see behind his frown that he was actually really happy. Spain turned to look at Germany. "Take good care of Venezito, okay?" Romano stepped in front of Spain to speak himself.

"Bastardo España. That's my line for him. Listen here, you damn potato eater. If you make my little brother cry again, I'll get the mustache back out!" Germany normally would've been a bit irritated, but he instead smiled.

"No worries. I won't let that happen." I smile as I feel myself blush. Romano shoots Germany a glare, grabs Spain's hand, and marches off with Spain briefly stumbling behind him.

"They make a good couple," I say, watching them walk away. Germany silently agrees. I look at him, and he looks at me, and we smile at each other.

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