Thinking Of Your Kisses.

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Jimin's P.O.V

Well, it's been about a few weeks since the party and I still can't face Jungkook properly because if I do then I feel like slapping him.

"Jimin. You realise your going to have to talk to him at some point, right?" Hoseok asked me as we sat on my bed.

"I know but still! I just can't look at him without feeling embarrassed." I muttered.

"Why? You can tell us. It can't be that bad." Jin smiled.

I sighed hugging my pillow.

"He kissed me..." I whispered quietly.

"What? I can't hear you!" Hoseok shouted.

I groaned about saying it again.

"He kissed me..." I said a bit louder.

"Still can't hear you Jimin. Just spit it out. I promise it will be fine." Jin said.

I was frustrated now.

"He flipping kissed me!" I shouted.

"Oh." Hoseok said nochlantly.

"Wait, what!" They both shouted realisation sinking in.

"Do you understand why now?" I asked.

"Oh Jimin. You shouldn't worry too much about it. I'm sure whatever he did is because he has feelings for you. If it makes you feel better, I... Well, I got nothing." Hoseok shrugged.

"Avoiding isn't going to help either of you. You're partners and have to work together. Plus, it doesn't seem like Jungkook has any plans of letting you go. Just talk like you normally do and it will all be fine." Jin said reassuringly.

"Okay." I nodded my head.

~Time skip~

"Hey Jimin." Jungkook said coming over to me.

"H-hi Jungkook." I stuttered.

"So, you're not going to run this time?" He asked.

"W-What do you mean? I wasn't ever running from you." I laughed nervously.

"Right. Well, are you going to come practice today?" Jungkook asked.

I nodded my head.

"Cool. I'll meet you at the front of the school so we can go together. Bye." He waved.

"Okay, bye." I smiled.

At least it wasn't as awkward as I imagined it to be.

I went to my last lesson and tried to focus on what the teacher was saying but all I could think about was jungkook and the kiss.

I buried my face into my hands.

"Jimin... Jimin. Jimin!" The teacher shouted.

"Y-yes sir?" I asked startled.

"I asked you to give us the answer." He smiled.

"U-umm. R-Right. The a-answer. I-It's 7!" I stuttered.

The whole class started laughing and I saw Hoseok from the corner of my eyes laughing really hard.

Jeez. What a great friend I have.

"That would be a great answer if we were in maths but unfortunately for you, this is History. The answer is the slave trade. Please try to pay attention next time." He said turning back to the board.

I blushed really deeply hitting my head with the text book.

Out of everyone, why did he have to pick on me?

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