Chapter Eleven

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As Paul and I barrel through the woods, traveling on the wings of pure love, Paul was almost quivering from excitement and relief that I was alive. We run off towards his bungalow as I see the most manly of man caves my eyes have ever beheld. "This is my man cave, I call it Paul Heights." He announces, throwing glitter over the bungalow as we trot up to it. As we step inside, the five union soldiers are there from before, having what appears to be a fart competition. Three of them are fully invested in it, while the other two are so disgusted and judging that I judge them for sucking.

"Well, hello there, Sharkeisha.. And you, Paul." The blonde one greeted as the loudest belch I have ever heard erupts from his face hole, punctuated by a beat of more beautiful burps.

Paul rips off his shirt and beats his fists against his chest as Paul burps another mad rhythm. They could probably release an entire rap album if they want to. Just purely burps and soul.

The boys start slow clapping and fart in agreeance as Paul buttons his shirt backs up and bows. My eyes started watering, this was the group of people I belonged with. This is just where I needed to be and I'd never felt this accepted. "Sharkeisha has decided to join us, escaping the prison of war with Simon. They're both safe!" Paul announced.

As the boys continue cheering, General Lee walked in through the door. I felt a chill sweep over me, my bones feeling completely cold. "SURELY THIS ISN'T SHARKEISHA LINCOLN!? WHAT IS THIS SCUM DOING IN MY HOUSE!"

"Father! She isn't scum, she is my lover and beautiful and everything good on this beautiful planet!" Paul argued.

General Lee smacked Paul across the face as Paul scoffed in anger. He leapt after his father, tackling him to the ground. "SHARKEISHA! RUN!" He exclaimed.

I ran out the door, looking back worriedly to Paul. He needed to be okay, he would be okay. He had to be okay. I kept running until I felt like I couldn't run anymore, stopping in the middle of the forest and collapsing on the ground. What if Paul was getting hurt by his father all because of me!? What if he was seriously injured for my protection!?

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