The Campus Cutest Couple

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There were some days that Lily really loved having friends, but there were also some days that she hated she even tried to have one. And, there were just some days that she wished the Apple would just shut all the hell up.

"Lily, you're killing me. Can't you see I'm dying here?" The Apple, Jean Appleton, kept on tugging on Lily's sleeve. "Tell me."

"Am I really killing you? You're dying? Well, now, that's just sad. Don't you think, Duncan?" Lily dryly asked Duncan and tugged her sleeve away from Jean. "Would you just stop tugging on my sleeve?"

"Hey now, Lil. Have mercy on Jean. Look at her. She's pouting like a five-year old." Duncan sat next to her and sipped a taste of a Nickel Penny latte. "We have all the time in the world. Now start." And he winked.


Today was one of those days Lily hated. She thought about killing Snow White when she got the chance to see him. The List was released just today. She stared at the Bugle copy on her table and wondered how the hell all this had happened. She dreaded that she even got herself involved.

The survey results were just the same as usual. The popular got their names listed but there were also new names and developments. By developments, they meant unexpected.

Jean picked the Bugle copy up and started reading the List results. For the third time that afternoon.

1. Cutest guy in the campus - Daniel Pierce.

2. Weirdest person - Halley Maxwell.

3. Worst dressed - Mari Anders and Guy Lowell.

4. The Sucker - Michael Holmes.

5. The Bully - Jake Wright and Mr. Lou Simper.

6. The prettiest cheerleader - Hilary Manson.

7. The prettiest politician - Sofia Carlisle.

8. The Einstein freak - Paul Dean.

9. Best dressed - Rich Jackson.

10. The Varsity team - The Arrows Football Team

11. The hottest bitch - Verne Parson.

12. The loser dude - Frank Bosworth.

"I hate that part." Jean was referring to Bosworth being a loser dude. She wished that Missy Finnegan wasn't laughing about it because she wanted to ram things with the cheerleader's face.

"Go on." Duncan urged her to continue.

13. Fancied girlfriend - Alicia Morris.

14. Fancied boyfriend - Daniel Pierce.

15. Famous freshman - Charlotte Hanne.

16. Sophomore - Chun Sail.

17. Junior - Ronnie Sawyer and Charles Dais.

18. Senior - Duncan Sail.

19. Prom King (spoilers) - Daniel Pierce, Jude Wallace, Rich Jackson, and Ray Carter

20. Prom Queen (spoilers) - Sofia Carlisle, Hilary Manson, Alicia Morris and Lily McQueen.

*There are no official results for the two categories. It will be announced on the night of the Spring Dance.

21. Worst singer - Lea Green.

22. The smartest cheater - Jim Nichols.

23. The best latecomer - Rusty Dothan.

24. The top detainee - Jake Wright.

25. The favorite teacher - Ms. Julie Hendy.

26. The most loved subject to exterminate - Mr. Simper's class (Physics).

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