House Rules

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(Gracie Bell's Pov- Southern Girl)

As we all file into main auditoriummy eyes catch with Liam who is up on the stage. We just sit there and stare at each other for a little bit. I get lost in his eyes, those beautiful green emerald eyes. He akwardly looks away and clears his throat as if he was caught red handed.

"As you all know the prices to the one who wins are 10,000 in cash, a signed contract to our very own modelimg agency, and this year one wish of yours to come true a wish with no rules behind it." He says I new about the first two rewards, but not the wish one! "Anyways how this will work is, everyday I will choose one girl to spend the day with, like a date. Ok and at the end of every week I will chose one of you to be sent home, sadly. Now every morning we will all meet here at 8am if you dont show without my permission there will be a consequence. At these meetings I will announce my date for that day." I over hear the girls talking about who they think is going to be picked today. And I must say Naomi is pretty confident going to be her.

"Today I would like to have the honor of being accompanied by... Savannah."

(Savannahs Pov)

"Today I would like to have the honor of being accompanied by... Savannah." What?!! Me? How? So many questions running through my head but all I can focus on are those big bright emerald green eyes start right at me. "Ok now everbody is dismissed. Lunch will be served in 45 minutes."

Oh but I can feel Naomis feverish eyes burning holes in the back of my head. From what I heard she was already a shoe in for the big date tonight. As I walk back to my room that really happy girl, I forgot her name came up to me.

"Congrats!! Hi my name is Izzy or Isabell either one. Im guessing you Savannah. Nice to meet you" She said really fast. While sticking her hand out for me to shake.

"Yea. Im Savannah Nice to meet you too"

I said taking her hand in mine and shaking it."Listen I know this might be a little strait forward bu tv I havent made any friends In this house yet and I kinda need your opinion on this while date thing. So you come back to my room and help me out"

"Oh my God!! Hellz Yes!! Lets go" She said leading the way as if she already knew where my room was.

While I was sitting on my bed I started thinking. How am I suppose to get ready if I have no clothes to change into.

"Izzy, what am I supose to wear I didn't bring any thing else?"

"You didn't look in your closet yet!!!!" She said really loud

"Umm no" I said as I got up and ran into the closet with her. Holy Crap! There was a huge walk in closet with clothes all my size, and all my style!! "Omg what am I goung to wear?"

"Not that your going to be needing any clothes, but what about this?" She said as she pulled out a pair of short shorts and a tank top.

"First of all what fo you mean im not going to need my clothes?" I said laughing at what she just said. "And second hell no I was think somthing that would cover my skin, at least a smidge. What about this" I said pulling out a pair of skinny jeans and a leather jacket. She didnt even say anything she just made a puking face and laughed. Just as we went back to work therew as a knock at the door. Izzy went to open it.

"Hey Izzy surprise to see you in here. But can me and Savannah have a minute alone" She looked at me and when I gave her the get the hell out of here look she listened and gave me a wink on her way out. "So, listen as you know im taking you on the big date today"

"Mhm. What about it. Because if you changed your mind I totally understand"

"No I would never change my mind I was just wondering when you wanted to leave"

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