Carry Me?

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(Liam's Pov)

"So where to?" Hazel asked she asked while skipping down the hallway. How can she be so full of energy? When I picked her it wasn't necessarily because, of her personality. To be honest I didnt even realize how bubbly and hyper she was, it was more the boobs and butt.

"If I told you it wouldn't be a suprise, now would it?" I challange her patience.

"I won't tell anyone, I promise." I chuckle

"Ok well, I thought we'd go on a walk to a secret spot, then dinner and if I turns out well back to my room" I said with a wink her way. I can feel her tense at my little joke. Oh god now I feel bad I dont know if she's ready for that yet.

"You know your gonna have to get me pretty drunk for you to acomplish that last part" She says but immediately wanys to take it back. Shs slaps her hands over her mouth and a tinge of pink settles on her face.

"I think that can be arranged." I saud with a chuckle still shocked that she said that.

"Sorry I didn't mean to say that. If start to annoy you to much just tell me and I'll stop talking"

"I don't think that you I could get annoyed to the point that I would stop talking to you."

"That's a pretty big promise. Are we almost to this secret spot?"

"Very close" I inform her as we walk through a set of doors that lead to our backyard. "Okay sorry but I'm going to have to have you put this on." I said as I handed her a blindfold.

"Oh hell no."

"Come on I told you where we were going, so trust me and put it on"

"Fine." She obeyed as I tied the red velvet around her face. "But I swear to god if you try to pull something  we're gonna have a problem because I'm not into kinky shit." After she said it she soon regreted it. She sure needs to learn how to think before she speaks.

"Thats a shame" I said while chuckling at the crimson that is spread on her cheeks. We continue to walk, I try to stear clear of the water so nobody ends up drowning.

"Alright I hear water and I swear if I'm going in your coming with me." She says while clutching my bicep with all the life in her, and I don't quite mind to be honest.

"I won't let anything happen to you. If you want I can carry you" I said with a trace of hummor trailing behind.


"What?" I said not sure what she was agreeing  to.

"Carry me." She says with all seriousness

"I was just kidding when I said that, but okay. Hop on." I said with arm wide open. She hesitates

"If I'm too heavy just say something."

"Too heavy? I don't think so. Trust me I'll be fine." She scootches her way over feeling around with her hands courtesy of the blindfold still placed over her hazel eyes. Her hand lands on my chest and she immediately freezes and keeps her small hand on my chest. I place my hand right under her butt ob the back of her thighs and in one swift movment I'm carrying her bridal style.

"I swear you drop me. It ain't going to be pretty." She whispers whlie snuggling her head in my neck. Her noses poking in my chest and I hear a sniffle.

"Did you just sniff me?" I said laughing.

"Mhm" She said noding enthusiastically. "I sure did"


"Well what?"

"How did I smell?"

"Good. Like old spice and trees."

"Trees? Could that be a factor that we are currently surrounded by nothing but trees?" I said and neither one of us can hold back a chuckle. "Alright I'm going to set you down and take the blindfold off." I say as I do what I told her I would.

"Oh my. This is so pretty." I hear her mumble. "It was so worth the walk."

"The walk? You mean the carry?"

"Way to ruin the moment."

I leaned forward and kissed her– soft and sweet. It was a pleasant, warm and beautiful kiss and I felt her relax into it. I could feel her heart raced as I pulled away from her, taking the warmth away.

"You talk too much." 

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