Never Say Xever

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No One's POV

Two boys, dressed in black were walking on a mid-lightened up hall. Their features showed clearly their anger which was boiling inside them. "What we'll say to boss? He'll be disappointed with us again." one of them said. His characteristics weren't very visible but you could recognize a pair of baby blue eyes, half covered my some brown curled bangs.

"It's the same thing dude. He yells at us and then sends us back to search of the svetocha." his companion replied, black eyes glaring straight ahead. He wasn't afraid for his boss reaction but, angry that he couldn't catch her. If he had her in his hands... He only asked for that. Is it a big deal anyway?

Minutes later, they reached a double door which automatically opened in front of them, revealing a big room with glass everywhere. Stairs and a throne on the top were included too.

A man was sitting on that throne.

He was covered by a grey shining metal armor at about six foot. A mask and a helmet were covering his head and face, its only visible spot his eyes. One blind and the other black like coal were glaring the two boys.

He was awaiting those vampires.

Once they stepped into that room and reached in the middle, the wumpirs kneed down, their heads titled to the floor. The man opposite them stood up, both hands crossed on his armor. "Well?" he asked with a dark, low and somehow threatening voice.

Cold sweating fell down to the two suckers bodies. The brown haired one lifted his head and glared with wide eyes the man.

Yes, he was afraid than ever from him.

Even though he is a dangerous creature of the night.

"Uh... master Shredder... we couldn't find her. Not even capture her..." he said, both voice and lips trembled from fear. He was so sure that Shredder would yell at him.

How right he was.

"Fools! You had her in your hands and all you done was to let her escape!" Shredder yelled angrily at them. "Useless creatures! I shouldn't have agreed to do this, nor to join the Foot Clan so as your friends of your kind!"

The suckers shared a look.

"But... master, she may be one of our kind but I shall remind you that she is smart and has ghost abilities too-"

"I already know that Andrew. But it is time to work with some others." Shredder replied, cutting the black haired vampire's sentence off. The automatic doors opened, letting two men to walk in.

It was Bradford and Xever.

Both kneed down to the center of the throne room and immediately stood up. The suckers stood up too and their eyes filled with hate as their fangs grew and touched their lower lips.

"With them?! Master... this is ridiculous!"

Xever scoffed and folded his arms. "What happened vampiros? Afraid enough to join us?" he asked sarcastically. "No, Xever. I can't believe that I have to share my abilities with two dumps like you" the brown haired replied. "Who are you to call me dump?!" Xever spat angrily and narrowed his eyes.

The Turtles and Me [IN PROGRESS OF REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now