Heroes, Save Us!!

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...Everything stopped dead when an eerily familiar green body with a blue mask and katanas on back was plummeting towards the cold pavement. Too fast, I thought to myself, my heart beating out of my chest.

The roaring wind in my ears almost tuned out the glass shattering sound of my heart. Bile rose at the back of my throat as my stomach churned. I hadn't even realized I was screaming until I heard a defeaning, "LEO!", fall from my lips. Dramatic? Yes, but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything in that moment aside from: Saving my Blue Banded Hero


It was as if I'd just woken up from a strange dream. The feeling you got after you awoke; when you try to put together the pieces but yours unable to remember the events that went on in your subconscious. I had that exact same feeling when I jumped off the building, right into my ghost form, and flew towards Blue. Like, what in the actual fuck? However, what I do remember is me stretching my arms, catching him by the armpits and flying up high. His eyes were still clamped shut, as if awaiting for the sickening SPLAT, and there was fear in his scrunched up face. His beautiful, so wonderful face. In spite of my initial fear and worry, I couldn't help that smile from gracing my lips. My eyes held amusement, sparkling in my cold blue eyes. I teased him with a, "Wow, and I've thought that Antarctica was cooler than your face."

Slowly, his eyes cracked opened, eyes lifting up to mine, a silent question behind those ocean blue orbs. He blinked, and a smile broke across his face, surprise and relief lighting up it like the fireworks on Fourth of July.

"ROWNY!" he cried in a mixture of relief, happiness, and a boundless energy that made me laugh, cheeks blushing hotly.

"I'm back babe," I whispered, kissing him with a passion hotter than fire.


"Rowan! Dudette! Guys, she's alive!"

"We heard, Mikey. She's right in front of us..."

Reluctantly, Blue and I parted and looked down at the other three, who seemed happier than ever.

"I can't believe it. We saved the world!" Donnie exclaimed. Mikey spun a flawless 360 with a whoosh in the air, which was awarded with laughing from both me and my boyfriend.

"Ugh, I wish we could've recorded the whole thing..." I said with a smirk, but no one seemed to listen to me. Nobody except Blue, whose head turned again to me and winked.

"I'll tell you everything when we're back home," he said and winked for the second time today while I gave an eyeroll.

Even if this was time for celebration, my instincts screamed at me it wasn't over, not yet The Kraang may have been defeated but—

"Rowny, watch out!"

My head snapped up and my eyes landed on a huge round ship. Pink radiated from the inside of the laser guns attached. They fired at us, despite the fact it couldn't have know we were still in the air. I gasped and dove, my fingers tightening around my boyfriend's arms. Well, guess none of us defeated those pink squids once and for all. Whoopie...

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