Slug 6

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Hello beautiful and handsome friends here is your chapter and sorry if it's small but better then anything.

Previously on Slugterra:

Everyone was like panicking about Eli being "dead" but he was just exhausted from his travel to here.
"So he's okay then?" Medic and Ping both nod and high five each other.
I sigh in relief and pick up Eli and place him on Dragon, while I walk next to them. As for the slugs well the never miss a free ride.

(author making little judgments on something)
"Slugs talking"
"Navi speaking"


-Mar's POV-

As we get closer to the opening of the forest we were in, Eli started moving around. I stopped Dragon and made him bend down so I could've taken Eli off.

I rested Eli against a huge rock. "Eli, can you hear me?"




Was all I heard from him before he started snoring. I sweat-dropped 😅 and placed him back on Dragon and we started heading home again.

As we passed the lamp post I saw a little store in the corner so I walked over there while Dragon followed me.

"Mar, you sure we could be out here like this. I mean no one knows about Dragon and us slugs?" I heard Fiery say.

I turn to see him on my shoulder "True, but  how long have I not been out to a store I mean I want my lollipops"

(when I put lolli my brother got mad because of something so I don't put lolli anymore 😂)

Fiery rolled his eyes and went back on Dragon with his other companions. I sighed and went back to where we were going, forgetting the store. 'The things I do for my baby's'

As we were getting closer home, I punched in the code to the garage and it opened. I placed Dragon at its resting area and carried Eli to my bedroom, taking the elevator instead of the stairs.

"Yes, she's here."

I stopped and placed Eli on one of my couches and walked slowly towards the stair well listening to my mom on the phone.

"What?! No I'm not allowing you to do that."

"Who is she talking to?" I whisper

"She under my care and you can't take her away from me!" She screamed on the phone.

"No you can't you just can't!"

"Today?! No please..."

The phone started beeping, I assume the call ended already.

Next thing I know my mom is on the floor having a breakdown and crying. I quickly get up and go to her.

"Mom, what's wrong, tell me?"

She shakes her head and shakily reacher for my face "They're coming for you. You're being taken away from me to another family."

I gasp and start crying a little 'Eli, he was once a human like me and dad till we went below maybe he could take us back, or I can make something in my basement like all those other times.'

"Mom, this isn't the last time you'll see me because we're going back to my actual home."

She was so confused and scared but she nodded and told me what she had to do.

Eli's POV

I woke up in a house on the couch and I looked around see a picture of Mar. 'Oh we're back home' I slowly reach my head and sigh 'I have a horrible headache'

"That's because I'm in your head Eli"

"Who said that?"

"Me, Navi, you dummy." She said while giggling in my head

I sigh and ask what she need and she said that Mar is in danger. With that said she disappeared from my head.

I get up and notice her mom and packing and Mar packing too. "What's going on?" Mar turns to me and says that we're leaving to a better place.

She heads to the basement and smiles I think.

"What did I get myself into?"


Anyway I'm done with this chapter 😂 and I'm going to take a break, I twisted my ankle not to long ago and well I want a break from me thinking about it. So here's your chapter beautiful and handsome people.

Mata Ne

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