Stay With Me [Hinny/Romione]

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter, characters, spells, etc.


Harry grasped the Elder Wand and took one last glimpse at Voldemort. They clashed once more and in no more than a second, Voldemort was gone. He disappeared from the Earth and the world celebrated. Harry watched people begin to clean up Hogwarts as he walked nervously through the corridors of Hogwarts to the Great Hall - the temporary hospital. There, the Death Eaters were in their final battles. Bellatrix and Ginny were dueling. Harry felt something bad in his gut. Then, he saw a jet of green light shooting out of Bellatrix's wand. Ginny screamed as she fell from the table. Harry caught her and knew what was happening. Tears formed in his eyes and poured out uncontrollably.

"Ginny...," he softly muttered.
"Harry...," she replied.

Her eyes fluttered and began to drop down.

"Ginny you can't leave me here!" Harry cried. "Stay with me! I need you!"
"Always," Ginny whispered as she faded away.

Harry sobbed and carefully laid Ginny down on the stone floor. Bellatrix grinned with her dirty teeth and cackled. He felt like he had his heart ripped into pieces. Happiness from ending Voldemort opened a new, brighter future for him. However, loosing Ginny ended his joy for living. Mrs. Weasley grew angry at Bellatrix and stepped up onto the table to duel.

"Not my daughter, you bitch!" Mrs. Weasley cursed as she held out her wand.

Amongst the battle, Harry tried to awake Ginny. Her fiery red hair turned dirty brown as she laid motionless. Lifeless. Hermione and Ron slowly approached with tears in their eyes. Ron cried over Ginny as Harry interlocked hands. Tears fell onto Ginny as Bellatrix was brought down by Mrs. Weasley. George was especially overwhelmed with tears, sadness, and loneliness. After the loss of his twin, Fred, he felt like he was killed, brought back to life, and killed again, then brought to burn in hell. Ron felt the same way along with the rest of the family. Ginny. The only Weasley girl actually born into the family in centuries.

Hours later, Harry was the only one still crying over Ginny. He stayed with her, waiting for her to awake in hope of life. He would never give up on her. He'd never loose faith in her...because she never lost faith in him. Ron came up from behind him and laid his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Don't worry mate...she's...she's...she's in a better place now," Ron said as he began to sob.
"I know...," Harry cried. "It's just...I can't bare to know that her death is my fault. I can't live without her Ron. I'm crazy in love with her and I will always be."

A tear drop from Harry's glassy emerald eyes fell onto Ginny's heart, manifesting Harry's affection for her. Ron collected himself and looked down at his baby sister.

"Ron," Harry started in a shaky voice, "she stole my heart. Then she took it with her to heaven."

That broke Ron. They both sobbed the rest of the night. Ron left for the company of Hermione, but Harry continued to stay with Ginny. He fell asleep next to her as she ascended into eternal serenity.


A few days after the battle, Ginny was declared to be barely alive. She was, in fact, in a muggle thing called a "coma". Ginny was taken into St. Mungo to be stabilized. The whole time, Harry was by her side. The crazy part was...was that she knew. She wasn't awake to talk to Harry. She couldn't physically touch him, but she could see and hear Harry. She was in an out-of-body experience.

"Ginny, please wake up," Harry pleaded. "I'm in a sticky situation and I need to hear your voice. Your opinion. I'm madly in love with you and I won't leave you."


Ginny awoke on the cold stone floor of the Great Hall. She turned her head and saw Harry...with another girl. That girl was her. She was terribly confused. Perplexed, she sat up and walked over towards Harry. Wait, she thought, I'm right here, but there I am. How can that be? Then she heard a voice from behind her. A voice she hadn't heard in a long time. An old man's voice. Dumbledore's voice.

"Ginny dear...I never thought I'd see you here," he said.

She turned towards him, but stood in place. She raced down to herself. She had no sense of touch. Ginny tried to get Harry's attention. Nothing worked.

"Am I dying?" she asked with teary eyes.
"No," Dumbledore simply replied. "You're going to make a choice."
"What? Please tell me," Ginny said.
"Is it going to everlasting peace, watching over Harry, protecting Harry, and then waiting for him? Or is it to return to the mourning mortal world and seeing, touching, and speaking to Harry as soon as possible?" Dumbledore asked. "Time is much faster for you right now. You must make your desicion quickly."
"How am I still alive?" Ginny inquired.
"That tear drop, that fell from Harry's eye to your heart...that's what saved you. Love," Dumbledore answered.

Ginny saw that it was soon early evening at Hogwarts and Harry was still with her. Time quickly passed and before she knew it, she was watching Harry and her in a room in St. Mungo. Time really did go by fast.

"I must be going now Ginny," Dumbledore said. "Good bye."
"Wait!" Ginny shouted as Dumbledore slowly faded away. "How do I get out of this? Please tell me! I need you!"

Dumbledore had abandoned Ginny in her out-of-body person. She walked over to Harry and listened to him talk.

"Ginny, please wake up," Harry pleaded. "I'm in a sticky situation and I need to hear your voice. Your opinion. I'm madly in love with you and I won't leave you."
"Harry, I never left. I'm listening to you right now," Ginny said. "See? I'm right here! Can't you hear me?"

She continued to shout and scream to get Harry's attention. Nothing worked. They were both in sticky situations.


A year had passed since the Battle of Hogwarts. Hermione returned to Hogwarts with Neville and Luna. They had just graduated Ron aided George with the loss of his twin and the joke shop. Ginny sadly watched over her family and friends. However, she never left Harry. Hermione and Ron's relationship grew. They sent countless owls to each other. Ginny watched them dance together in the stone courtyard at Hogwarts when Ron came to visit. If only I could visit my love, Ginny said to herself.

Everyday, Harry would return to her room from his office - being an Auror - and talk to her. He'd talk to her about his life, Ron and Hermione, George, Percy, Charlie, Bill, and her parents. Each day, she'd watch him interlock hands and look at her closed eyes. Tears were dropped on her every day. To Ginny, it was only two days since she died. Harry was beginning to enter a depression. Ginny watched him go home and lie in his bed staring up at God asking him, "Why did it have to be Ginny? Why couldn't it be me?"

Everyday, Ginny and Harry would create more tears. Together, but separated.


I know I've posted a lot of Hinny/Romione fanfics, so you all probably thinking I'm really weird. I don't blame you though! I can be very, very, VERY weird. Anyway, depending on how many reads I get on this chapter, I'll continue to post. If not, I'll probably delete this story.

Don't be afraid to tell me what you all think and I need all the feedback possible to keep my readers satisfied! Share your story with your friends and followers if you think it's good!


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