Chasing Life

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter, characters, spells, etc.


Once they aparated to the Ministry, spells were shooting everywhere, banners were falling, fragments of stone were exploding, people were screaming, and fire was growing. It was hell on Earth. Harry spotted Asuna racing through the hallways. He ran as fast as he could to catch up to her. He shot the spell "Stupefy" at her without the incantation. She jumped and dodged quickly. Abruptly, she turned around and they began to have a wizard's duel. Sparks and flashes of red and blue light shot out of their duel. Asuna brought out her special weapon - a blue-bladed sword that could be lit on fire.

"Expelliamous!" she shouted as Harry's wand flew out of his hand into the distant rubble. "Here."

She walked up to him and held out a red-bladed machete. Harry cautiously grabbed it as he turned back at her from watching his wand plummet into chaos. He took a glimpse of it. It clean and sleek, with a blade so sharp, you could cut two hundred pieces of parchment without pressure. Exchanging looks, Asuna stepped into her battle position for hand-to-hand combat.

"Have you ever fought like this before, Potter?" She curiously asked as she pulled up her mask above her nose.

Harry didn't know what to say. Truthfully, he hadn't. If he said "yes", she might kill him in the blink of the eye with her mastery skills. If he said "no", she would use her best and most intricate strategies to kill him. Either way, there was no chance that Harry would win a battle of swords. Instead of answering the question, he held out the sword in his hands and remained silent amongst the commotion of battle around them.

"I'll take that as a yes," she smirked as she raced towards Harry, ready to strike.

I have no idea what to do!, Harry panicked from within, She's going to murder me and keep my blood for proof! Harry,without thinking, held up his sword and luckily blocked the attack. Asuna was shocked. She stepped back and collected herself as Harry held his blade out. Then she put on a different face.

"Beginner's luck!" She spat as she went in for another attack.


A few days before Harry saw Ginny's obituary in the Daily Prophet, Hermione and Ron visited Ginny in her hospital room. She was recovering, but slowly. The doctors have brought her into surgery to try and help her recovery go by faster, but each one failed. There were tubes going into her hand and wrist delivering her medications and recording her heartbeats. Hermione and Ron stared at her and comforted each other.

"What if she doesn't wake up?" Ron asked.
"She will. The doctor told us that she would awake for sure," Hermione told Ron. "Don't say something like that."

They stared at her relentlessly as she continued to stay in her long slumber.

"I hope Harry will be here when Ginny wakes up," Hermione said. "I hope he's alright."
"Have we forgotten already? He's the chosen one!" Ron exclaimed. "He can handle anything!"


Apparently, I can't handle this!, Harry said in his head. He held out his sword once more and then Asuna paused. She took her blade and turned it around. It obviously had an opposite side. She struck Harry's sword and cut it in half. Harry looked at his half of the sword and felt the cut. It was still hot from the her fiery blade. It was a clean slice. They looked at each other.

"Where is the President?" she asked.
"You'll never find him!" Harry said as he dropped his broken sword.

Asuna rushed up to Harry and pointed another knife at him. Then she moved it slowly up his face, so Harry would know. She brushed back his hair and revealed his scar. Harry knew that something bad would happen. Knowing he wouldn't get his wand back, he aparated Asuna and himself back to America. The international Aurors stayed behind in London.

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