What Now?

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter, characters, spells, etc.


"Harry, what the hell are you doing?" an Auror shouted.
"Just what I want...," Asuna whispered under her breath.

She watched him shoot spells knocking-out his friends and warriors. Auror Inderjit ran over to Auroress Rosemarie and escorted her to shelter. Inderjit was going to bring her to the next station. They were in a dark subway tunnel with flickering lights. She was stumbling due to her injury. She didn't want to go. She was perfectly capable to fight. Rosemarie shook her arm violently releasing Inderjit's grasp. They stood eye to eye in the dark subway.

"Inderjit! I can fight! I can stand!" Rosemarie shouted.
"Sh! He'll hear us!" Inderjit warned.
"No! Enough!" she cried. "I'm returning!"
"I don't want to see you get hurt!" Inderjit said.
"Why?" she asked.

Inderjit took several deep breaths. Rosemarie turned her back to him and turned her head, deciding wether she would stay with him or leave. Then she began to walk away.

"I like you!" Inderjit said.

Rosemarie stopped in her tracks. She calmly returned to Inderjit and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. She looked him in the eye.

"Let's get back to battle," she said.


"That's right...get them all," Asuna smirked.

Harry continued to mindlessly demolish all of the warriors. Asuna would soon win the battle. Auror by Auror, they each came crashing down. Harry's new boost in energy and strength made his spells more powerful. A simple stunning spell could kill a young baby.

"Asuna!" a feminine voice shouted.

Asuna slightly jumped and turned her head. Her almond-shaped eyes narrowed.

"Auroress Rosemarie!" Asuna spat. "So you figured it out."
"Oh come on!" Rosemarie said. "A mudblood could do better than you!"

Asuna sneered and pounced upon Rosemarie. A dagger at her face. Rosemarie noticed that Asuna's pupils were red as if they were in a trance. She knew she had to blind Asuna - even for a minuscule second! Suddenly a pain indescribable overtook Rosemarie. It was a burst of sizzling and aching pain. Then an abrupt sequence of snapping along with a wet liquid exploding out of her out onto the surface of Earth, staining the ground. Rosemarie...a part of her dying every second...was stabbed...in the temple. Tears ran down her cheeks. Her sight growing blurry. She had something left to do before her untimely death. A flick of her wand and it would be over. Asuna watched over her, smirking and laughing in the agony of Rosemarie. Rosemarie stared into the eyes of Asuna. She flicked her wand and she had won over Asuna.

"No! No! No!" Asuna cried out.

A blindfold concealed her view of the world. She tore it off in rage and peered over the balcony. Harry was free. She twist her head back at the body of Rosemarie. Her blue eyes staring out into space. Asuna ran up to her and kicked her head as hard as she could. The blade that was forced into Rosemarie's skull spun out and landed on the bloody floor beneath her. She marched down to the lower ground.

"Harry!" she shouted.

He looked at her. He was flabbergasted. What happened?, he asked.

"Secumsempra!" Inderjit casted from behind.

Harry swiftly turned his head toward Inderjit and was tossed back against the wet ground. He stared up into the station and thought to himself.

Will I see her there? What will happen if I don't? What will happen to the world if Asuna isn't stopped? I guess I'll just have to find out after I'm dead., he thought.

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