6 / Mad or Magic?

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He jumps up and turns to me. “What the hell wa -?” He stops when he sees me sulking. It obviously doesn’t take long for him to put two and two together and I hear him sigh softly.

“Cat…” he says, bringing his arm up as if he were going to console me. I think he wants to just put a hand on my shoulder and be comforting, but he just stands there, almost dumbstruck. After a few seconds, he brings it back down and just sticks his hands in the pockets of his coat. Either way, he’s right to do so. Regardless of his “logical explanations”, he can’t deny that this is just terrible. This shouldn’t even be possible – he just said so – but it’s happening, whether I like it or not. I close my eyes, not wanting to face the undeniable truth that’s right in front of me.

“There’s no need to do this.” I hear him say. I refuse to look at him, even though I know he’s only trying to cheer me up. Still, he can’t just make me crack a smile and wait for some confusing solution to click in his head. “It’s not like wallowing in self-pity is going to fix things.”

“Oh really?” I reply, unable to contain my anger anymore. It’s not like I’m angry at him, but there’s no thing, no other person that I can direct it at right now. I look at him, the rage apparent in my eyes, and take a step towards him. I’m a teenage girl dammit, I need to vent sometimes! “Then tell me Doctor, what in the hell will? Because I’d just love to hear your ideas right about now!”

“Now hold on a second!” he says, looking sternly at me. That’s when I totally lose my cool and storm off down the hall, not caring that he’s calling my name or genuinely concerned for me. No, I only care about the idea that I’ve just come up with. I reach the bedroom and lock the door behind me, not caring that he could open it right up if he wanted to. I can hear his footsteps getting closer but I’m not paying too much attention to that. As I climb up onto the foot of the bed and position myself, I hear him start banging on the door.

“Cat, don’t do this! I know what you’re thinking, but there’s no telling what could happen!”

“So?” I say, just loud enough for him to hear me. “What else can I do? If I don’t try something, then I’m damned to this.” I look down, feeling sort of guilty. Still, what else am I supposed to do? I close my eyes and take a second to think everything through one last time. I hear a familiar buzzing noise and sigh, letting myself fall backwards onto the bed. As my head hits the pillow, I feel totally exhausted, though I don’t try to fight it. I can hear the door slam faintly and I see the Doctor run up beside me. I can tell that I won’t be awake for much longer, so I smile and grab his hand.

“It’s okay.” I tell him, and with that I black out.


Alright, I know this chapter is really short, but things are only going to get more confusing from here. Besides, the site was down all day yesterday and I wanted to give you guys something.

Also, the story is #357 in Science Fiction and it has 233 reads. I really can't thank you guys enough for this; it all means so much to me, and I'd really appreciate votes, comments or feedback. Honestly, you guys are some of the best fans that I ever could've asked for and I'll try to update more soon.

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