Day 3 - Part 3

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Lance was the first to wake up. This left him alone with his thoughts, those thoughts being of Keith and how strangely he's been acting. The guy had been so easily triggered emotionally which was strange to Lance. He had to confront Keith about what was up with him. Also he had to think about that kiss Keith almost gave him. He didn't mean to hurt Keith with his reaction, he was just surprised and still a little bit riled up from thinking about other things, like his family.

Don't get Lance wrong, Keith was attractive and had an alright personality from what Lance has seen from him. Lance had come to terms with his Bisexuality a few years ago yet always believed he leaned more towards women. Keith was making him question that. Especially Keith at the moment, being an adorable little shit.

He felt Keith begin to stir, this snapped him out of his thoughts. He watched Keith yawn, which was adorable as always, and started to speak, "About the kiss," Lance started, "well the almost kiss," Keith flinched like he had before they slept, "I'm not mad about it, it's fine and you need to stop beating yourself up about it," Keith tried to protest, "Shush, I know you have been, you nearly cried yourself to sleep!" Keith looked away, "Why are you being so emotional at the moment? It's really concerning," Lance asked, Keith looked at him, "I don't know, possibly because I feel safe around you. Like, I don't know, like you won't judge me..." Keith trailed off. Lance gaped at Keith, he looked so vulnerable, so fragile. "You're right, I won't judge you. I'm here for you if you need anything Keith," Lance stated then wrapped his arms around Keith. Keith laid on Lance for a beat before snuggling into Lance's embrace as his arms were trapped, preventing him from reciprocating the hug.

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