Chapter 9

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Chapter Inspiration:  Aha! by Pentatonix 


It was hot, but not uncomfortable. The white sun bore down overhead as Anya peeked out from under the brim of the baseball cap she wore. Trying to protect herself a bit from the harsh rays.

"Come on," the professor called to the group. "Those artifacts aren't going to uncover themselves."


Smiling lightly, the young woman shifted in her bed. Her legs swung over the edge to stand and walked towards the door. Ever so carefully it opened on its own as she moved further down the hall into the shadows. Silently.

A smirk spread across Loki's expression. His statement didn't sit well with Thor.

"What are you talking about?" he asked. "Anya is a friend."

The prisoner chuckled, "I hardly believe that."


Anya sighed in relief, wiping her brow free of sweat. Bending down she uncovered a clay pot that took hours to work free of its confines. Careful to make sure she did not damage it. The removal was a delicate procedure, tools brushing and picking around the stiff ground before it was finally free.

"Amazing find, Anya," the professor spoke, head poking into the hole. "Take it into the observation cave so the team can finish cleaning it and document the area."

Climbing up the wooden ladder, Anya maneuvered around the other pits before being engulfed in the shade of a cave. A young man looked up from where he sat, eye scope attached and examining the content below.

"Another one? Jeez, you're on a role, Anya. Put it over there."

His hand waved in the general direction of the table full of new arrivals. His name was Justin, the grandson of the professor. And a rather well known excavator in the field.

Walking back outside the sun was relentless. The young woman secured her hat into place and observed the excavation site. Three months without any physical contact from the outside world was a transition. Sometimes the professor used an outdated radio in his tent to confirm their position to the nearest army base, a good day's journey by jeep. Moving into the camp, Anya waved to her other teammates as they went about their jobs.

A shot rang out, followed by a cry of alarm and terror. The incident was so sudden for a moment everyone froze in wonder if they'd heard correctly. Another shot fired and then another. Shouting and battle cries followed, sounding foreign as Anya tried to figure out what was wrong. The whole camp became thrown into chaos, the excavation crew running to find safety.

"Anya!" Justin shouted.

He drew her attention up into the cliffs. His body suddenly jerked, blood flying from a hole that buried deep into his chest. Clutching the area in surprise, his body pitched forward and fell into a pit below. Her eyes widened in horror, lips parting to scream and rushed over. However, a rough sack was thrown over the young woman's head.

It muffled Anya's cries, arms wrapping around her upper body to restrain any movement. A man's voice yelled in an ear angrily as she continued to struggle, shrieking, but she couldn't understand his words, being dragged away.

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