Chapter 16

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The battle for Manhattan raged on as the Chitauri continued to pour out of the portal. They were being overrun as warships now began to pass into their world, laying waste to the buildings below and dispatching dozens of creatures into the city. Banner joined them midfight destroying one of the large monsters that flew through the air before Steve devised a plan and they split up. To cover more ground and keep the fight more localized. Throughout the fight Thor caught glimpses of Loki using a hovercraft to maneuver through the streets. He wished to chase after his brother and demand his reasoning in all of this. To punish him for what happened to Anya. Yet the god did not break rank fighting off the Chituari beside his comrades.

Through the destruction Natasha managed to make it back to Stark Tower, where a now clear-headed Dr. Selvig assisted her in how to deactivate the portal. As she went to close it using Loki's discarded scepter, Tony told them to wait. He went flying out over the river away from the fight. The Council, head leaders of S.H.I.E.L.D. overruled Fury and ordered a nuke to exterminate the Chitauri. But that also meant it would wipe out the whole population of Manhattan in the process.

Tony raced after the nuclear weapon and guided it into the open portal. The city had been saved, nearly costing the billionaire's life when he didn't fall back through right away. Natasha began to close the portal at Steve's order. She had to before the aftershock came through. At the last second Tony returned, unconscious and falling head first towards the ground before Bruce caught him in his Hulk state. The blast of the nuke and the destruction of whatever was on the other side made what remained of the Chitauri in their world collapse to the ground dead and everything grew quiet.

They had won.

But Thor had no time to wait around as they secured Loki in Stark Tower, beaten and bruised in the main room. Once detained, the god flew off in the direction of the medical professionals that had taken Anya. There were rows and rows of wounded, which did not surprise the Asgardian. The situation only made his search harder. The rest of the Avengers arrived minutes later to help, but it was difficult with people running up to them in thanks for saving their lives. Finally, the god caught sight of bleach blonde hair, moving around other beds before coming face-to-face with Anya. He breathed a sigh of relief, watching her sleep. There was a bandage wrapped around the middle as a nurse quickly ripped open a bag to redress the wound seeing as it bled through. However the sight of the strong flow made Thor uneasy, reaching forward and touching a cheek. It was unnaturally cold.

"What is wrong with her?" the prince asked.

Suddenly realizing the prince's presence, the woman shouted over the noise for someone. He watched as the same medical professional from before pushed through.

"I was beginning to wonder if you would be back in time," she said.

"In time?" By now the rest of the Avengers gathered around. "In time for what?" Her face was grave. "What is wrong?"

"We can't stop the bleeding," the nurse answered.

He looked to the woman, who nodded in confirmation, "She fell unconscious about a half hour ago. The internal damage is too great, and with the city the way it is getting to a hospital to receive proper care is very unlikely. I'm sorry, but she won't make it."

The Avengers did not know what to do, exchanging looks. The helicarrier was miles out with an advanced medical wing, and there was no chance to bring her to a civilian hospital with no staff on hand given they'd be overwhelmed by the casing coming in. Suddenly a thought came to mind as Thor picked the pale mortal off the table ignoring the protests from the medical response team.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked.

The prince walked away from the crowd into an empty street. The Avengers followed quickly after, but kept their distance. Unsure of his plans.

"Heimdall!" the god shouted towards the sky. "Open the bridge, Heimdall!" There was no reaction. The only sound coming from Anya's staggered breathing. "NOW!"

Clouds began to gather, forming into a cyclone as a colorful array of lights began to spark. Thor turned towards the others.

"I will be back! Take care of my brother!"

A beam of light came down from the sky, engulfing both figures and making it difficult to see. It suddenly disappeared, and the spot that had once been occupied turned up empty.

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