Chapter 17

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"What is the meaning of this?" Odin's voice rang throughout the throne room.

When the prince returned to Asgard and rushed into the palace carrying an unconscious, bleeding mortal the once calm atmosphere shifted. Before long everyone inside knew of the young woman's presence. Frigga immediately came to her son's aid sensing the trouble and leading him towards their healers. She asked no questions as Anya's life hung in the balance. Though it wasn't long until the king summoned Thor in his presence. The prince refused to leave her side, even when the healers tried to force him out.

"We are only in the way," Frigga spoke. "Come. Best to see your father before he comes searching for you himself."

He was hesitant before pulling away and leaving them walking through the halls. Many servants whispered at his appearance. There had been no time to clean away the dirt or sweat on his skin, nor the blood that had long dried. His appearance was not suitable, but at the moment he did not care. It was clear to see that their guest didn't please Odin as he stared at his son in anger.

"Explain yourself," he ordered.

"She was dying,' Thor said. "Those on Midgard could not help her."

"That is none of our concern."

"Anya aided in the capture and battle against Loki. He kidnapped her, planning to use her against us. She could have ran when the Man of Iron gave her a chance, but stayed behind to help me and was nearly killed. I could not let her die."

"You have broken the law by bringing a mortal to our home. Do you understand the strain it puts on Heimdall and myself when trying to summon you back without the Tesseract? And you've returned without it or your brother."

"They are both in our possession."

"On Midgard!" his voice rose. "They are to be here on Asgard, not in the hands of mortals!"

"When Anya is healed and you are fit to open the portal once more I will return to Midgard and recover what is ours."

"The longer it is not in our possession there is a chance the enemy could take it again."

"I assure you it will not happen."

"Then let us hope your words are correct." His fingers drummed against the chair arm. "She is to leave immediately."

"Father, Anya is weak. We cannot move her–"

"You will do as I say."

Frigga moved closer to her husband's side, speaking in hushed tones. Thor's heart beat wildly, fearful for the agent's safety. If Anya returned to Midgard now there was no hope for her. Finally the king and queen pulled away, Odin giving a pointed look.

"Very well. The mortal may stay until healed. But she is not allowed to leave the palace. Then you will return to Midgard with her and retrieve the Tesseract and war criminal."

"Thank you, father," Thor bowed.

He left quickly when dismissed, Frigga joining his side as they moved through the halls.

"Tell me why you care for her mortality," the woman spoke up. "You would not bring anyone to Asgard should their life be in danger."

"She is a friend. I could not allow her to die because of Loki's actions." They entered the room finding the healers gone. Anya lay on the bed covered by a sheet. Her hair had been cleaned and brushed out, the dirt cleared from the skin, destroyed uniform having been removed and replaced by a simple white tunic and pants. The wound had stopped bleeding and her breath was now low and less haggard. Her cheek and jawbone were bruised, most likely from being in Loki's presence. But overall he was happy she was alive. Breathing a sigh of relief, Thor moved closer, staring down at her.

"She is very beautiful," Frigga stated. Thor nodded in agreement. "Do you care for her?"


"And what of the other mortal you met during your banishment?"

His expression grew serious. "She did not wait, I came to discover."

"I see." They lapsed into silence. "Then I must ask how she is different."

"I do not know... But I could not let her die."

Frigga nodded her head. "Though you cared for the woman, Jane, I can already see that your bond with this one is much stronger. You care for her, as does she for you. I saw what she did for you on Midgard. Risked her life to help you defeat Loki. It was noble, brave, something that other mortals would not think of doing. They have such a fragile life and will fight to survive. But there are few who would fight for others. And against those who are stronger."

"She has a gift."

"I am well aware of that. It is quite a talent." She reached forward, tucking a strand of hair behind Anya's ear. "Most intriguing. She's not like most mortals."

"It seems that Anya does not know how she came to possess this ability."

"It is not uncommon. It has something to do with their birth, and their parents don't necessarily have to possess the same ability."

"You believe there are others like her?"

"With different capabilities, yes. Though maybe not as strong." Thor nodded, reaching forward to clasp Anya's hand. "She cannot stay, Thor. You know that."

"Yes," he sighed.

"Your father will wait until she is fit to move. Only know that he is not patient on this matter. Convincing her to stay was not simple."

"I know. Without your help Anya would be dead."

Patting her son's shoulder the woman left the room. Sighing heavily the god lightly kissed the young woman's knuckles.

"Do not give up hope, Anya," he whispered. "Please keep fighting... for me."

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