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Hansol walks down the hallway of his beloved school. It still was as crazy, maybe even crazier. People were spreading rumors about him but he could only care less.

Recently, he has been wearing that grey hoodie that was too big for him. He could hear whispers from almost everyone he passes through. They were rumoring about him and the 'new' student.

Hansol figured that it was Eunju that they were talking about. He sighs, unable to think of what he even did to Eunju.

"Oh there he is." He heard whispers. Footsteps could be heard getting clearer and clearer.

Hansol stops at his tracks when he sees a shadow and multiple feet on the ground as he looked down.

"Hello faggot, ready to suck some dick?" The dudes laugh right at Hansol's face. They made hand gestures, hinting out the simple movement of, 'jerking off'.

This absolutely disgusted Hansol. Who would ever in their lives insult gays like that. What assholes.

Then he realized.

How did they know anything about him and guys? He adds more pieces up to finally get an answer.

New student, gay, blonde hair, sparkling eyes, plump lips, beautiful smile.


This absolutely confused the hell out of Hansol. We have never done anything. Was it really that obvious?

He enters his classroom and all hell broke loose. Originally, the students were piled up into one giant group and in front of them was a laptop playing a video they were all watching. Once Hansol came in, they all panicked and ran into their seats. Hansol had no words.

They started talking and whispering once again, not seeming suspicious at all.

Hansol walked to his seat, sitting slowly as the students stare at him.

After a couple of minutes, there he is. Seungkwan walks in the room with no sign of sadness or defeat. His uniform was tidy, hair was flawless, eyes that still shimmer to the sun.

Without thought, Hansol was already staring. He couldn't stop staring at the features and just him in general.

The students laugh as they all stare at Hansol with those disgusting, mocking eyes. This pained Hansol enough to give shame to himself.

The flawless male walked casually towards the seat next to Seungkwan.















"I said,"

He was quick, pulling Seungkwan out of the classroom. He heard laughs coming out of the classroom but at this moment, he didn't give a damn. pinning Seungkwan onto the wall, he says,

"I like you..."

Fin (Teh End)

Oh. My. God.

Welp, that's it. I guess it's...goodbye to this book. Now onto another.

I Like You // Verkwan [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now