Ticket to Ride

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(Writers pov)

July 24, 1964

It's 11:56pm and you're racing through the airport. Your plane leaves at 1:30am, you weren't late, but you feel like it wouldn't be the perfect vacation if you weren't rushing with your bags like in the movies.

You were living in Las Vegas at the time, and going to England. You were very nervous about the plane ride. You've been on them at least 7 times in all of your 22 years of your precious life. Only on special occasions were you to ride planes. But you were by yourself this time. This is the first time you've traveled this far from home.

You finally make it to the sitting area to board the plane. Nice brisk walk. You smirk and give yourself a Pat on the back, not caring who looks at you weird.

(Your Pov)

I can not wait to see my best friend, Talia in Liverpool! Ive not seen her since highschool.
This plane ride should be a breeze, I bought myself first class. I deserve it, I think.

I tried to get comfortable by arranging my bags beside me and taking out a magazine to read to pass time.

This month's issue was about The Beatles releasing their new album Hard day's night.
"Heck yeah..." I whisper to the magazine's words getting lost in the scripture. I was wasn't too big of a Beatles fan, but I did enjoy their music. Catchy little tunes and all.

It's been a good moment of silence and awkward eye contact with the people around me, when a roar of screams get louder. My heart drops. What's going on here? I turn back in my seat and peek over the sweaty and heavy weight man blocking the commotion.

Four long men in suits are seen running effortlessly across the airport and board early onto the plane im going on.

I turn to the old lady with a cigarette and a neck pillow around her. "Psh. Just cuz they famous and rich they get tah board on first..." she said in a thick British accent, taking a long drag off her cig and blowing it high into the air.


I sat there for a second and looked back to my magazine. The beatles? No. Why would they take a public airplane? My heart began to beat a little faster.


Turning the page in my magazine to get my mind on something else, I see an article saying "Beatles Return Home."

"Ugh." Slipped out of my mouth, I turned the other page again. This article saying "Who's your Beatle boyfriend? Take the quiz to fine out!"

Frustrated I rolled up the magazine and shoved it in my backpack.

"Now boarding first class seats onto flight 345 to England." An enchanting voice flowed through the room.

I gathered my stuff quickly and got in line. One of the last people to be in line. I sighed slightly and struggled to get my ticket from my back pocket. (Yes I was dumb enough to wear pants to a 10 hour plane ride.)

The small pretty woman marked the ticket and told me to enjoy the hell and pain of a plane ride with a beautiful smile.

Anxiety, nerves, happy scenarios. let's go. We can do this. My heart was flipping as i was walking through a spacey tube and onto the plane.

To avoid anymore awkward contact or conversation, i walk looking down at the floor, checking seat numbers. First class is a small chunk of the plane there were two seats paired up on each side, while in second class, there were three lined on eachside.

10A,10A,10A,10A,10A find 10A, come on.

I paused. What?

As I come across my seat, I find someone in the seat next to it sitting aisle. I gulped and stood in eyes range of the person.

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