I'm Only Sleeping

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Laying on the couch, I finally drifted asleep. Long day. Huh?

I didnt have a dream, it was just black. I like having dreams.

My eyes opened to the burning sensation by the bright sun.

I sat up rubbing my eyes and looking around remember where I am. I see Talia in the kitchen cleaning the counter.

"Morning, sleepy head!" She smiled big at me.

"What time is it?" My voice was groggy.

"Hmmm…" she checked her watch. "1:34pm."

What the hell?

"Talia, why didn't you wake me up?" I said standing up from the couch stretching.

"Well you were traveling and all that. I figured you needed it. Why? Do you have to be somewhere?" She said coming out of the kitchen, meeting me in the living room.

Not till tonight, I don't.

"No. But we're supposed to enjoy each other's company, yknow." I say tucking my hair behind my ears.

"You needed it, (Y/N)." She put her hand on my shoulder smiling.

She was a good pal, I think.

I smiled back at her and went on with getting a shower, and brushing my teeth. When I went to put my clothes from last night, I felt something in the pocket.

The note.

I made sure there was no one around, and took it out. I read the paper slowly. It was Ringo's address and number.

I smiled and went to feel the other pockets just in case. I pulled out my wallet, with the money I won last night.

I should be more interactive, if this is what it gets me.

I finally put my clothes in my suit case and closed it.

"I'm hungry." I said to Talia. She nodded. We went to the cafe down the street and reflected on last night.

"I think me and John clicked. Don't you think?" Talia said giddy sipping her coffee.

Not in the slightest.


"Not in the slightest." I said mouth full with a donut.

Her smile left her face. "What are you saying?" She asked.

"I mean, John "clicks" with everyone, if you know what I mean." I said swallowing my large bite.

"Says you." She mumbled looking into her coffee.

I looked at her sulking. Maybe theres somethings I should keep to myself.

"But, I can tell he could tolerate you the most." I said trying to distinguish the smoke.

"Really?" Her cheeks became rosey.

Thats all it took?

"Really." I confirmed biting my donut.

It was quiet between us for a moment. Not awkward. Just enjoy each other's company.

Just then, four sketchy dressed men sat at the table next to us.


Me and Talia looked at each other, trying not to laugh at how they looked.

"Somethin' funny, miss?" One of the men said, his voice high and raspy.

Something clicked in my head.

"If yeh got somethin' ta say, say it." He added, seeming irritated.

Ringo's Gal? (Ringo Starr x Reader (Imagine))Where stories live. Discover now