Day Tripper

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Once i stepped back into a long spacey tube to get off the plane, i hear a crowd screaming, looking through one of the cracks of the tube, i see a huge swarm of people trying to get a real life glimpse of the beatles.

They were walking down stairs waving to the swarm of fans.

I rushed out of the tube, remembering why I'm here in the first place. I looked around the place before my eyes landed on a blonde haired girl, it was Talia!

I practically jumped into her arms hugging her.

"(Y/N)!!" She said lifting me up grunting a little.

"I'm so happy! I can't believe you're actually here! How was the plane ride?" She asked smiling big.

Thr plane ride was amazing. Wonderful. Lovely. Like a dream.

"The plane ride was horrible, 10 hours of doing nothing. So glad it was a red-eye. I slept the whole time." I said fake yawning.

I couldn't tell her what happened on the plane. She's a huge Beatles fan. Who know what she'd do.

"Well, good. I'm glad you got a full nights rest!" She said as we trucked along and got a taxi to her place.

During the car ride I spaced out, thinking back to Richard, and how he kissed me. I wished I could do it again, honestly. I gave him my number, but who knows if he'll ever have the time. Or he'll just forget about me. He's a busy guy and all. I wonder if-

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Talia asked putting her hand on mine.

"Oh! Yes, I'm fine. I was just thinking is all." As soon as I said that, we pulled up to her apartment, or to what she calls, a flat. I don't know either.

She helps me with my bags out of the car and we walk and walk and walk and finally come to her front door. She unlocks it in a few seconds and reveals and beautiful and well kept living area. And to the right is a kitchen, and then the left is bathrooms and her bedroom. It was tiny, but cosy. Everything she needed was here.

"Make yourself at home, (Y/N). If you need anything, don't be scared to ask." She said.

"Thanks, Talia." I said putting my suitcase on the side of her couch.

"So what are we gonna do? Anything we do, I know we're going to have a great time." I said looking at her.

She smiled. "Well, I need inspiration. What kind of outfits did you bring?"

"Well…" I turned around, my back facing her. "Let's check the old vault." I said opening my suitcase, digging in it I say "I have pants, and shirts. Some shorts. I don't know." I turned around to face her with a shirt over lapping the one I was already wearing. "What do you thi-"

I looked at her, stopping in my tracks to see what she was holding.

"What's that?" I say tossing the shirt aside, back in the suitcase.

"Two front row tickets, and backstage badges. For the Beatles. Tonight." She squealed while doing a weird fan girl dance.

"Beatles?" I say. "Talia, you didn't need to do that, it must have cost you a fortune!" I say trying to contain my smile.

"Yeah, it might have, and it might have not. You paid to come all the way over here, and I said you were gonna have a vacation to remember, right?" She said shaking the tickets in my face.

"Beatles?" I ask again. Heart racing.

"Beatles." She confirmed.

We both squealed and danced around.

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