9: Dirty Little Secrets

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"We can forget this ever happened. For two hundred bucks"- witterprompts

Maria loved secrets.

They were like her; quiet, practically lives in the shadows. She likes the way they come out of someone's tongue, usually a whisper, and if not then a declaration, daring her to judge them. She likes how it nestles itself in her memory to revisit on later, sometimes to take out when necessary.

So when she saw Johnny Thorn and Sonya Patel making out behind the school bleachers, she practically glowed. The son of the man who ruined her family, and the girlfriend of his best friend. That could not be more perfect.

She took out her phone and snapped quick picture- making sure to keep the flash off and sound to a minimum, then sent it to two of her email accounts. She backed up, then made sure to walk past and trip, saying a loud "Oof!" when she hit the ground.

The effect was similar to catching your husband and his secretary naked together, minus the emotional pain. Both and them stilled, turning their faces towards Maria with a mix of shock and fear. To them, the seconds that passed must have been like an eternity, before Johnny's face twisted in a snarl before launching himself at her.

It was Sonya that saved her from whatever violence Johnny has planned. She squeaked the moment he stopped in front of Maria, hand giving that tell-tale glow just before he used his powers. He paused, probably thinking about his chances of getting laid after committing murder.

"I am so sorry!" Maria widened her eyes, scrambling to her feet and held up her hands in a way that conveyed submission. "I didn't even know that I'd see you two here!"

He towered over her, chest puffed, invading personal space, teeth practically bared. So far, the nature documentary on predators was proving to be very useful.

"Don't pretend," he said, growling. "What do you want."

She moved to the side to look at Sonya from behind them, and then at Johnny's puffing figure. Maria straightened up, figuring that Johnny was covering her, and slipped her face into something more suitable for the situation. Number five from the Devious section on her list.

"Nothing," she lied, "I have nothing to gain from this relationship, except for your eternal enmity, and Sonya Patel's ruination. Not to mention I would be responsible for the unhappiness of our star linebacker, your best friend. Not that I care for him and Sonya, and I have your hate already."

"What. Do. You. Want."

"We can forget this ever happened," she let him relax before adding, "for two hundred bucks."

He sucked in a deep breath, and again she saw the glow in his fist. But it faded, like the rage on his face, before he grew resigned and took out the wallet in his pocket. 

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