1. Innocence

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I looked up at the sky, remembering the days when I ran around carelessly. If only I could turn back time back and stay that way. Ha, my life was full of wishes.

I wish we didn't move to the suburbs.

I wish dad didn't go out of the house when we hear noises.

I wish mom didn't follow him when we heard the screams.

I wish my brother and I were playing with my baby sister that day. That way he wouldn't have gone to get her when the noise went closer.

I wish I came with him.

I wish...yeah, you get the picture.

"Captain?" a voice interjected. I turned around to see my second-in-command standing at the doorway, "A large swarm of zombies are coming from of the north."

I frowned, grabbing the gun closest to me. Striding out of the room, I yelled commands to the nearest soldiers, who quickly ran up and prepared the weapons.

I walked towards the wall, climbing up to see if he exaggerated. To my immediate dismay, I saw that he was right. The nasties almost covered the horizon.

I looked at some of the cannons that they were hurriedly trying to fill with ammo. Calling out an order, I climbed back down and went through the tunnels that led outside the wall.

Involuntarily, I looked at my hands, so used to killing now.

It wasn't always like this, the zombies started showing when I was ten. My mom and dad were bitten, and my brother died when he tried to light a fire so that they would burn, and got caught in it too. Only my baby sister and I survived. I fished her out of the collapsing house and sprinted away.

A man found us a few hours later, hiding behind an abandoned building. Apparently the sight of children would bring out the humanity inside a person, since he protected us and gave us food. We found the refugee camp years later after aimless wandering and rumors springing up from the other survivors we passed. I fooled myself into believing that we might have found another family.

Some zombies ambushed us a few miles from it, and bit him. I fought them off, hoping that it wouldn't be too late. My sister, already five, crawled up to him, trying to lessen the pain of the bite.

Afterwards he begged me to kill him, so that he wouldn't turn into one of them. I obeyed.

It was that day when my innocence left me, and a new feeling came up. One that was hot and hungry for the death of these zombies.

I am twenty five now, and the feeling never left. My sister is still alive, and serving as a doctor. I envy her so much. She didn't remember the happy days before this, when zombies were only a myth, used inside movies and video games for the entertainment of people.

Right now, as I think of it, those games were despicable.

Sarah stayed closer to innocence than I did. She never killed before. Yes, she experienced the feeling of blood under her hands and the life slipping away from a person, but it was never her who caused it. I was the one who killed, or, in the zombies case, pushed back to death.

It was always her who gave life. She was the healer, after all. Sometimes I would look at the mini hospital, and a small twinge would come up. The ability to help instead of destroy...

But then, I would remember the weight of the machine gun in my hands. The memory of glee and bloodlust in battle was scarring, yes, but then it was the only thing filling the angry hole in my body. The one that appeared the day my innocence died.

So, as I ran outside, and looked around at the soldiers under my leadership, I had this feeling slipping over me. One that was bittersweet, leaning towards the bitter part.

I raised my gun, aiming towards the undead, and began shooting.


[Authors Note]-Yeah, so I was watching World War Z earlier today and... this happened.

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