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We wordlessly watched the hordes travelling along the streets below, Amelie lay with her slender body spread along the building's concrete ledge, appearing fixated on something that she could see through her scope. As I peered over the edge of the building, all I could see were masses of those mindless creatures that we had been taught to avoid lurking in the lifeless streets below.

Or at least- they had- anyway.

For a short moment, I could feel reality bend to my will, the blood-smeared faces of the creatures reverting back to their former states, I could hear their laughs, see their smiles, and I could hear the joyous chatter erupting from the forms of many men, women, and children alike.

Deep down, I knew this wasn't reality, it was my curse, reminding me just how different I was from the two teammates beside me. While I was lead astray, I knew that both of them could hear nothing but silence. There was a greater divide between us now then there ever had been in the past, and I suppose in the long term, I had Moira to thank for that.

This used to be my reality, it used to be all of ours, life was in abundance, the world that we had lived in may not have been perfect, but it was certainly better than this. I had spent my days too consumed by my own misery to realise that things could always get worse, far- far worse.

I felt my eyes linger to something in the distance- or perhaps- someone, his laughter was among that of the others, fitting in almost as harmoniously, I could feel my eyes instantly narrow at the figure, there was only one person I had ever known with such a distinctively horrific taste in clothing....


His name escaped my lips in the form of a growl, but before I could get a clearer view- a flash of olive skin came into view, instantly snagging the attention of one of the women accompanying me on the rooftop, her tanned hand waved directly in front of my face, as if she were attempting to bring me back to reality.

And unfortunately- it worked...

"Are you with us, Gabe? it looked like we were going to lose you again..." the latina frowned, her dark hair concealing one half of her face, the only thing darker than her chestnut-coloured strands were the bags under her eyes, she was tired- we all were.

"Of course I'm here, Sombra..." I grumbled in response, my tone coming out as gravelly and harsh, this caused a slight smile to form on the woman's chapped lips, for a short moment she looked grateful.

"Just making sure, we've been worried about Gabe... after what happened last week, we thought you were gone..." she muttered, staring into my soul, even though my mask concealed my gaze, her dark eyes were riddled with worry, yet all I could manage was a simple sigh, I had no recollection of what had happened, but it was clear that the other operatives had lost trust in me, it felt as if they had all been watching me much more closely, it felt as if many of them didn't even consider me human anymore. Whatever I had done when I had lost control must have been bad. But I didn't have the time to dwell on it just now, there was a greater task that needed our attention.

Thanks to Sombra's "friend" in Russia, Talon could count on receiving frequent supply drops from their allies, President Volskaya did not hesitate to aid us in our endeavours, believing that perhaps if Talon were able to drive away the illness, she could gain even more of a reputation, which would in turn grant her more power. Our interactions were to be kept confidential, strangely enough, though the world's inhabitants were changing, The opinions of Volskaya's fanbase were not, meaning they'd react terribly to the fact that Volskaya had decided to assist the very same terrorists who had once attempted to assassinate her on nothing but a complete whim. Knowing very well that one of their operatives was nothing but a dead man walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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