1.2: The Second Dream

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11:57 a.m.

I was still awake. My head throbbed and thoughts bounced around in my head like pinballs. My stomach ached and my eyes burned. It was as if my mind and body refused to let me rest. I lay wide awake, but I didn't feel energized...I felt afraid.

12:22 a.m.

The rain from this morning had begun again, lightly drumming its fingers against the window. I tried to force myself to sleep so I could stay awake all of tomorrow to find him. Every time I tried to force myself to sleep and close my eyes, all I can see was him.

12:48 a.m.

The rain still drummed a calming beat on the glass. I could hear it all around me, surrounding and muffling my rowdy thoughts. It drowned them in the music it played.

1:12 a.m.

I finally fell asleep to the muted sound of the rain making the cacophony in my head sound like a dull murmur.

That night, I dreamt of something completely different than what I had the night before. It was less dark, less foreboding, and oddly happy.

At least, I thought it was.

First, I heard breathing...my own and someone else's.

Next, I felt warmth coating my skin as if I had stepped into the sun after staying inside for so long. Light shone through my closed eyelids and I jumped in surprise.

I opened my eyes to see a peaceful park basked in the golden light of the setting sun. Trees sheltered the small area and wildflowers blossomed in small patches, filling the air with a sweet scent. It was unlike anything I had seen before—a place so comforting and serene it looked unrealistic.

A hand gently squeezed mine. I turned around and saw Jimin's contagious, bright smile. His eyes reflected the dying sunbeams and they sparkled with a light of their own.

"Tae." His smile grew wider. "I didn't think you would come."

"Of course I would," I said.

He shook his head. "You usually show up late. That is, if you ever come at all."

I gasped in fake shock. "What an awful accusation!"

He laughed, a beautiful sound that made me smile. "I'm glad you came."

We sat down at a rusty-looking metal bench. It was undoubtedly uncomfortable, but I didn't care. Jimin was smiling, and that was enough to brighten the entire world.

"So...how are the others?" He asked, moving his feet back and forth as he looked at me.

"They're okay," I replied, adjusting my position on the bench. "Hoseok found a better job."

"Finally!" Jimin said with another smile. "I was wondering when he would leave that awful place. The manager was really rude."

"Yeah. I guess he finally had enough of it." I tilted my head back to look at the sky. It was clear blue, decorated with wisps of white clouds. "How have you--"

I stopped mid-sentence immediately. Among the peaceful colors, a black blur tore across the sky with a haunting caw. It landed somewhere behind us in the trees, but I could almost feel its black, beady eyes watching. It cawed again, making its presence well-known, before settling back into silence.

"Taehyung?" Jimin tapped my shoulder. I looked at him and saw worry etched on his face. "Are you okay?"

I looked behind me, searching for the crow in the thick foliage. The dark branches streaked with even darker shadows shielded the bird. Sighing, I turned back and muttered, "yeah. Everything's fine."

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