1.6: Jungkook's Apartment

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Five days.

Five days have passed since Jungkook disappeared, and no one has seen him. Five days of asking and five days of disappointments. Nobody knows him, not even his closest friends and local shop owners he talked to daily.

Five days of making no progress at all.

In fact, I was pretty sure I was moving backward in this twisted game. Jimin couldn't sleep well anymore because of his nightmares and the guilt that darkened his mood. Usually, during sleepless nights, he would call me and we would talk until he was tired enough to get some rest. Now, I barely heard from him unless I visited him at his apartment or saw him wandering aimlessly on the streets.

I didn't take care of myself anymore. Sometimes it was difficult to remember the last time I ate. Headaches and nightmares chased me around like angry bees, filling my mind and driving me insane. Sleep was a rare thing to come across and I kept drinking energy drinks to stay awake.

I stared at my gray ceiling, my body cradled in my bed. Slivers of sunlight pushed through the blinds over my window and scattered across the mattress like shards of glass. It was a nice, sunny day, but it was hard to experience something enjoyable with him lurking darkly in my thoughts. I left the feeble comfort of the bed and stretched with an exhausted yawn. Rubbing my tired eyes, I reached for the half-empty energy drink placed dangerously close to the edge of my bedside table. My phone, lost in the tangled sheets, began to ring softly in the muffling cloth.

My hand hesitated in front of the energy drink. I knew drinking these only made my health worse, but it was hard to stay away from them. My phone buzzed again, impatiently. I reached for the energy drink, but once my fingertips brushed the can it toppled over and off of the table, spilling its contents across the floor. I cursed loudly and searched for my phone through the mess of sheets.

"Hello?" I said, irritation tainting my voice.

"Oh...hi, Tae," Jimin answered quietly. "I didn't think you would pick up."

"Of course I would," I scoured my apartment, searching for paper towels. "Why wouldn't I?"

"You just seem...busy lately," he replied. "Busy and tired."

"You're the one to talk," I said bitterly as I tore a bunch of paper towels off the roll.

There was a moment of silence before he said something. "I'm sorry about that, Tae. It's just..." He paused. "It's just been hard, okay?"

"Dammit, Jimin," I felt my anger froth at the top. "Can't you see that we're all suffering?"

"But I--"

"Listen, okay?" I let out a frustrated huff. "I know you're not feeling well, none of us are. But that doesn't mean you can just hide in your apartment all day."

"Yeah..." he sighed. "Okay. You're right. I'm really sorry for what I did."

I leaned down and mopped up the sticky, reddish liquid coating the floor. "It's alright. I know you didn't mean it."

"Yeah, sorry. Can I make it up to you?"

The drink was completely soaked up, but the red stickiness on the floor remained. I poured water onto one of the paper towels, squeezing out the excess after, and scrubbed the floor forcefully. "How about going to Jungkook's apartment?"

"What? Why?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "Maybe we could find something there? I'm not really sure."

"Well...I mean...it's a good idea," he replied. "But how are we supposed to get in?"

"He had a hidden key outside," I said, drying the floor off. "If not, I could just pick the lock."

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