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hey guys, I'm not going to be active for a while. A friend of mine, Mila, mmade the decision to end her life on March 8, 2018... i neeed to take a break from sovial media for awhile. Im so sorry everyone I don't know when I'll be back.
I'm also sorry if what i am types doesnt really make much sense i can't think.
If anyone of you are struggling with mental health problems please tell someone who you know will care. You are strong beautiful, perfect, and amazing in your own special way. Camila kept me alive and losing her is like losing my other half I don't knwo what I'll do it hasn't been long but it feels like yearsssss and I'm so sorry everyone i don't even know why I'm still typing at thins point but I just want to let all of you know that I am here if you want to talk, I love you ❤️
if you still want more info you can see the #RipMila tag on Instagram

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